The number of victims of the terrorist attack in Peru increases to 16


The command of The Peruvian Armed Forces reported that the death toll in the massacre of civilians had risen to 16 by a group that the government identifies as vestiges of the Shining Path terrorist organization, happened last Sunday 23.

<< The anti-terrorism prosecution, after having been present at the scene of the events, was able to corroborate the findings of two other victims which brought the number of dead to 16, in which they were identified four minors “, CCFFAA said in a statement.

For its part, the minister of defense, Nuria Esparch, revealed that behind the attack on civilians were the terrorists known by the pseudonyms “Carlos” and “Anselmo”, Who is here under the direction of “comrade José”, as published by the Lima daily El Comercio.

“Comrade José”, is the alias of Víctor Quispe Palomino, leader of the remains of the Shining Path in the valley of the Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro (Vraem) rivers.

Sunday night a column of remaining members of the Shining Path entered the town of San Miguel del Ene, province of Satipo, southern department of Junín, and killed civilians who were in bars with guns of the area.

Monday, the president, Francisco Sagasti, affirmed that the total of the assassinated was of 14 people; on Tuesday, the figure rose to 16. The attack took place in the geopolitical zone of Vraem, where the remains of the Shining Path operate mainly in activities related to drug trafficking, according to official reports.

Brilliant trail is an organization that had its heyday in the 80s and the first half of the 90s, causing the deaths of 31,000 to 37,000 people from 1980 to 2,000.

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