It was in depth: a journalist made love while covering the reopening of a swinger club | the Chronicle


Nail Danish radio journalist covered the reopening of sex dating clubs at Denmark, who had been closed for a while due to the pandemic, as if she were just another customer. So much so that their sounds of pleasure were heard as they aired on the establishment.

“I think it’s great that our journalists are trying to experience journalism in a different way”, declared Tina Kragelund, responsible for Radio 4 programs.

“You can still do what listeners expect, but also surprise them and offer them new approaches and do it in a new way”, he explained to the Jyllands-Posten newspaper.

The report, which aired Monday at 8:40 a.m., was preceded by a warning message from the presenter, which stated that during the report, sobs typical of the sexual act would be heard.

During her visit to the sex club, the journalist was first explained about the rules of the establishment. The reporter then asked the clients, while they were having sex, how they felt able to return to the club, called “Swingland” and located outside of Copenhagen.

Then the reporter decided to take the plunge and behave like another customer.

“Can you describe what you are seeing right now?”, we hear him ask his sexual partner, amidst quite explicit sounds and salacious comments.

“Sex clubs are a taboo to reopen” facilitated by the lifting of restrictions related to the covid-19 pandemic, and “my own participation gives an idea of ​​a world of which we rarely have a complete vision “, defended the journalist in front of the Jyllands-Posten.

Denmark has eased restrictions on tackling the coronavirus pandemic, and Sex and debauchery clubs were able to reopen last Friday after being closed for several months. (AFP)


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