US denounces China for undermining democracy in Hong Kong with new election law


Hong Kong Legislative Council (Reuters)
Hong Kong Legislative Council (Reuters)

Hong Kong Parliament approved on Thursday legal changes that will make possible the implementation of a controversial electoral reform conceived by Beijing and this will drastically reduce the options of the pro-democratic opposition take power in the semi-autonomous city.

Immediately, the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, denounced that this is an attempt by China to undermine the democracy of the semi-autonomous territory.

“The Chinese government continues undermining democratic institutions in Hong Kong and depriving Hong Kong residents of the rights guaranteed by the People’s Republic of China“Said the head of US diplomacy in a statement.

In addition, he stated that the Controversial electoral reform approved Thursday by Legislative Council (Hong Kong Parliament) “severely” restricts political participation society and will make it very difficult for their voices to be heard.

On Thursday, the Legislative Council (Hong Kong’s parliament, which has lacked opposition since November due to the expulsion of 4 MPs and the subsequent resignation of 15 others) approved by 40 votes in favor, 2 against and no abstentions the necessary modifications to adapt the controversial electoral reform to local legislationHong Kong Radio and Television reported RTHK.

These modifications assume that the number of parliamentary seats will increase from 70 to 90, but only 20 of them will be eligible for direct suffrage (compared to the 40 provided for by the previous regulation).

The electoral committee – the body responsible for appointing Hong Kong’s director general by restricted suffrage – will increase 300 its number of seats, up to 1,500 members, and will be in charge of selecting 40 of the deputies of the Legislative Council.

Xi Jinping votes on Hong Kong electoral reform, approved by China in March (Reuters)
Xi Jinping votes on Hong Kong electoral reform, approved by China in March (Reuters)

Among the legal changes, there is also one that would punish up to three years in prison for public calls for an electoral boycott or a blank or no vote.

“Changing the electoral legislation will provide us with solid base on which to proceed to the next elections ”scheduled for December, celebrated Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam.

It is one more step in the strengthen Beijing’s control over Hong Kong, which returned to Chinese sovereignty in 1997 under the Sino-British Declaration of 1984, a document that nevertheless reflects Beijing’s commitment to guarantee the freedoms then existing in the territory until at least 2047.

In addition, on the 21st, the obligation to carry out An oath of allegiance to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for elected officials and candidates who wish to participate in the elections in order to guarantee their “patriotism”.

These recent legal changes come after the Hong Kong National Security Law that Beijing drafted and enforced last year, Due to anti-government mobilizations who took to the streets of the former British colony in the second half of 2019 and into 2020.

This law provides for penalties of up to Life imprisonment for cases of secession, terrorism or collusion with foreign forces.

Against this background, Blinken asked again this Thursday release of persons detained under the protection of this law.

(With information from EFE)


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