National strike: these are the points of concentration in the country for the mobilizations of May 28


This Friday, May 28, a month of events will take place across the country. What started as a protest to withdraw tax reform has been unleashed over weeks of mobilisations, vandalism, police abuse and even the fall of health care reform.

The blockades were other of the great protagonists of these days of demonstrations which are reinforced more and more and whose exit does not seem near. After 30 days, the attorney general’s office announced that 129 people have been reported missing during protests in recent weeks and on May 21 the Ombudsman’s Office announced that it had received 23 reports of sexual violence generated during the marches.

The strike will continue and we will make large mobilizations on May 26 and 28, when the first month of the mobilizations in Colombia will be over., confirmed the president of the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), and member of the Unemployment Committee, Francisco Maltés.

Although the focal points generally change as the days go by, the Bogotá Government Secretariat announced on Thursday that there will be calls for mobilizations on May 28, particularly at 2 a.m., 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Here are the points of agreement:


Crossing Yomasa.

Bridge of Dignity.

Success on July 20.

Portal Suba.

Olaya station.

Portal of the Americas.

2:00 p.m.

South terminal.

Monument of the heroes.

Bolivar Square.

Hippie Park.

El Campín Stadium.

National Park.


In Cali, concentration points will be maintained at Sameco, Puente de los Mil Días, Paso del Comercio, La Portada, La Luna and Juanchito. A mobilization will leave from the Glorieta in the Siloé district towards the Universidad del Valle, seat of Meléndez.

Likewise, it is expected that a massive march will start at 7:00 a.m. from the Cuatro Esquinas area, east of the city, and will end in Puerto Rellena.

As part of the day of events expected for Friday, May 28, it was announced on Thursday that a unified command post will be installed in the city to ensure the success of the day.

<< Nous avons mis en place un système d'alerte rapide avec enrôlement au Secrétariat de la gestion des risques, des pompiers, de la Croix-Rouge, de la protection civile et un enrôlement des établissements de santé de telle sorte que nous soyons en alerte jaune pour faire face à tout type de situation >>, said the mayor of Cali, Jorge Iván Ospina, who also called for peaceful protests.

This mobilization must be called within the framework of non-violence, within the framework of respect for life. We must avoid any kind of inappropriate situation and that is why we will not have the presence of the Mobile Anti-Riot Squad, Esmad. It is essential to tell the public that tomorrow we have the functioning of our institutional services and that we will be attentive to the protection of the public and private good, declared the president.


It is expected that in the Atlantic capital, the demonstration will start in the parking lot of the Plaza del Sol shopping center, in Soledad, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Thereafter, it will cross the entire 30th Street to the field of the Cevillar district, southwest of Barranquilla. It is expected that at this time of day there will be space for cultural exhibits.


According to Blu Radio, the march will start at 1:00 p.m. in Santander Park and later it will move along 36th Street until it reaches the Luis Carlos Galán Sarmiento Civic Square. According to the departmental strike committee, the mobilization will be cultural and artistic.


In the “walled city”, the mobilizations will begin in the district of Nelson Mandela, in the south of the city and it is planned to end at the roundabout of the Imen school, on the Transversal 54, where will take place a concert entitled “Resistance sound”.

According to the national station, parallel to the day of the demonstrations, a blockade of the industrial zone of Mamonal is programmed on behalf of the communities close to this sector of the city and the workers’ centers. The blockades will begin at 4 a.m.


The national government asks the Unemployment Committee to make changes to the preliminary agreement.
The IACHR says it is ready to go to Colombia, but the timing is up to the state.

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