Alberto Fernández benefits Hamas, Maduro and China, while asking for support from the White House and Europe to conclude with the IMF


Alberto Fernández talks to Ángela Merkel from Quinta de Olivos
Alberto Fernández talks to Ángela Merkel from Quinta de Olivos

Alberto Fernández chained three geopolitical decisions that will affect his presidential agenda in the United States, France, Germany, Israel, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Paris Club. The head of state has benefited the populist leader Nicolas Maduro, the terrorist organization Hamas and the global technology monopoly strategy devised by Xi Jinping for the sole benefit of China. It is a succession of events that contrast with the balanced discourse he presented to the most important leaders in Europe.

The president had lunch with Emmanuel Macron in Paris, he had a coffee with Kristalina Georgieva, Mario draghi Yes John Kerry in Rome, and chatted for forty minutes via zoom with Angela Merkel to show that he is reliable and that he is far removed from the international agenda defended by Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

This international trust, that Alberto Fernández began with his lunch in Israel with Benjamin Netanyahu and consolidated his remote contacts with Joe Biden, it has started to fade as a result of its latest geopolitical decisions.

Don’t wait for a strong statement from the White House, the Eliseo Palace, the German Federal Chancellery, the IMF Executive Board and the Paris Club Board of Directors repudiating that Balcarce 50 decided to vote at the UN in favor of a commission of inquiry into alleged war crimes committed by Israel while defending himself from the latest Hamas terrorist offensive carried out from the Gaza Strip.

On the contrary, the diplomatic response will be silent and with an ability to harm directly linked to the Head of State’s own reflexes. If Alberto Fernández quickly understands the possible future consequences of his current foreign policy actions, you will still have enough room to return to the agenda that you pushed during the European tour.

On the other hand, if the president believes that supporting Hamas, Maduro and Xi Jinping offers greater benefits than costs for Argentina, the response of Biden and his allies will have a total impact on the current economic, financial, social and health situation of the country.

Alberto Fernández and Benjamin Netanyahu during their official meeting in Israel
Alberto Fernández and Benjamin Netanyahu during their official meeting in Israel

Alberto Fernández and Felipe Solá believe that Israel must face a UN commission of inquiry for the alleged execution of war crimes, and they relativize that the aggressor is a terrorist organization which denies the Holocaust and operates with impunity from the Gaza Strip.

President and Chancellor say Hamas was chosen by Palestinian vote to rule Gaza, but they do not explain that the terrorist organization uses its supposed institutional footprint to advance against Israel and mimic all its fundamentalist actions financed by Russia and supported on the ground by Syria.

Alberto Fernández has visited Europe twice to show he understands the global agenda and it is the antipodes of foreign policy that is cooked at the Instituto Patria with the recipes old fashioned that Cristina Fernández de Kirchner read in the middle of the Cold War.

However, that the diplomatic construction of the president is in failure when the list of countries which accompanied Argentina against Israel is reviewed. Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, Ivory Coast, Eritrea, Gabon, Indonesia, Libya, Mauritania, Namibia, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Senegal, Somalia, y Sudan they supported Hamas, among other states that voted for the creation of the UN commission of inquiry.

Argentina’s only regional allies were Bolivia, Cuba, Mexico and Venezuela. The Bahamas and Brazil abstained and Uruguay voted against. This rapid tally shows that Mercosur is paralyzed not only by differences in pricing policy.

Alberto Fernández and Sabino Vaca Narvaja, Argentine Ambassador to China, during a meeting at Casa Rosada
Alberto Fernández and Sabino Vaca Narvaja, Argentine Ambassador to China, during a meeting at Casa Rosada

To the complex UN decision against Israel, Alberto Fernández added another quota of mistrust in the United States and Europe due to statements by Sabino Vaca Narvaja regarding fifth generation or 5G technology. The Argentine Ambassador to Beijing assured in a report that Argentina had to accept China’s 5G technology, setting off all the alarms in the White House and in the European Union.

Xi Jinping, leader of the Chinese Communist Party, has proposed a strategy of global control of communications via 5G, and one of its most effective methods is presenting the Huawei company in public tenders launched around the world.

There are days, Huawei ended up with a key tender from state-owned ARSAT. From this position, Xi can execute his strategy of controlling communications in Argentina.

“Argentina must accept the 5G technology proposed by China. First of all, because China is a global and innovative power. This has enabled it to reduce technological dependence especially in certain industries defined as strategic such as renewable energies, communication technologies and biotechnology, among others. (…) The deployment of 5G places China at the forefront of global technological leadership, while giving it a place of supremacy on the global geopolitical council “Beijing’s Vaca Narvaja said.

To close the circle that can take you away from the United States and Europe, Alberto Fernández resigned from filing a complaint against systematic human rights violations in Venezuela. It was a presentation by the Lima Group, which at the time endorsed Mauricio Macri, and now the government rejects it as a mere political act carried out on the instructions of the White House.

“The Lima Group complaint on Venezuela was a political gesture without substantial effects in the judicial process, as the International Criminal Court was already analyzing the issue, given the powers conferred by the Rome Statute. The recent withdrawal of our country from this presentation in no way affects the development of the activities that the Court considers to be carrying out within the framework of the preliminary examination or its full judicial and investigative independence “, declared the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Solá to Infobae.

Do you think Argentina’s decision to vote in favor of a commission of inquiry into alleged war crimes committed by Israel against Hamas complicates negotiations with the IMF and the Paris Club?

No. What affects, and I almost always see it, is the history of Argentina’s external crises and the impossibility for many countries to establish the differences between the governments which caused them. As a general prejudice on our behavior. And without nuances. This is the trend. Alberto Fernández works very hard to establish the differences, Solá responded Infobae.

May 31, the formal deadline to cancel the $ 2.1 billion debt with the Paris Club. And between September and December, Argentina has to pay around $ 4.3 billion for IMF. Meanwhile, the Foreign Office is negotiating with the State Department to receive a large donation from the Covid vaccines which are stored by the millions in the United States.

This complex global agenda, which Alberto Fernández had started to put on track, is now in danger. Diplomacy is a political art that suffers from sharp turns and unexpected movements. In Olivos, it seems, they have yet to learn this basic lesson in foreign relations.


With vote against Israel at the UN, Alberto Fernández distances himself from the United States and Europe at a critical time for Argentina
Infographic: which 24 countries voted against Israel at the UN

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