The crude story of a young man who believed he was immune to the coronavirus, was infected and ended up being “destroyed”


A 22 year old Spanish boy who was wary of the seriousness of the coronavirus he was infected and ended up “wrecked”, as recently revealed in an interview.

“He thought it was a bullshit», He recognized Alex Barreira, who was infected with covid when he was 22, swimming, not smoking or drinking.

Sitting in a room at the Gregorio Marañón Hospital in Madrid, in dialogue with The country, the young man spent a week with symptoms, believing they would pass on their own. “I wasn’t expecting that or crazy, I thought nothing was wrong with me, it was normal flu, gastroenteritis, not that. This is not the case. But yes, it was a coronavirus, ”he said.

Now he’s “sorry” for going through so much, but like everyone else, he says, “no one in their twenties ever thinks something is going to happen to him.” It was not serious, although he suffered from a fever which did not go away and reached 40 degrees. Doesn’t need oxygen, but he has diagnosed bilateral pneumonia for which he was hospitalized for several days.

Alex is 22 years old, he practices swimming, he neither smokes nor drinks. (Photo: courtesy of El País)

Alex is not sure where or how he got infected, although he has given him “several tricks”. He says he uses the metro (metro) and the bus “a lot”, “almost several times a day”. Also that he is going to swim, “and there he is swimming without a mask”.

When he goes out with his friends, they don’t always find a place in the open air: “If it’s everywhere outside, we go inside, even though there are usually never too many people in it. the places we go ”. He sees his girlfriend a few days a week and live with his family.

“The moment they told me I had to stay in the hospital, I really collapsed. My mother and grandmother called me and I must have collapsed. It was shock, and having to stay here.

The first night was spent in observation to see how it evolved and prefers not to repeat the experience:Like me, there were more people, more sick. I couldn’t sleep, it was impossible, and I put on my headphones to see if the music could escape me ”. The next day, they transferred him to the factory.

“I almost certainly knew that in an (intensive care unit) I was not going to finish, because I am young and I play sports,” he recalls. But he also remembers that “well, it wasn’t”:It was not normal for him to walk as if he had been digging ditches for 12 hours, very tired and with a high fever, he flooded the sheets“. And the sadness is not forgotten: “Especially the first days of being here”.

“They told me that in principle I would be back to normal, I was in pain because of this.” Its evolution is good and the affectation is not very great, so he does not think there could be any sequelae in the lungs or in the other organs.

“I’m glad I understood that; I mean myself and not my family ”. Their grandmother now lives with themIn his house, there is no room for everyone to have a room, so he sometimes sleeps with his asthmatic mother. He wonders what would have happened if he had infected them. Or his brother or his father.

“We can’t be stuck at home all day, all our life, but when you go out you can’t forget your head.” He says he can’t understand “what a fool doesn’t understand” that a party could be the death of his grandmother, or a friend’s grandmother. “When it’s over, in a year or two, because it won’t last 20, you can go dancing, and everyone is so happy.” In the meantime, to me that they don’t come to me with bullshit that what to do is have a good time, there are things that no matter what we want, they are not necessary, ”he concludes.


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