Argentina returned to the top 10 countries with the most COVID-19 cases in the world


With the record of infections recorded yesterday, Argentina is set to become a new global focus of COVID: returned to the top 10 countries with the highest number of positive coronavirus cases, according to data from Johns Hopkins University and the Worldometer website.

The Nation’s Health Ministry reported last night that in the last 24 hours, 41,080 new coronavirus infections have been reported, which marked the all-time high for confirmed cases since the start of the pandemic in the country. This again led Argentina to rank 10th among the most infected countries, below Germany and above Spain.

According to the survey of Infobae data unit, since March 2020, the cumulative total of infections increased to 3,663,215 and the fatal victims, who added yesterday 551, at 76,135, with a death of 2.08 percent.

Argentina is the most complicated country on the continent after the United States and Brazil, while Spain fell to eleventh place and recorded 3,663,176 infections and 79,888 deaths, with a mortality of 2.18%. For its part, Germany recorded 3,673,990 positive cases and 88,192 deaths, with a mortality of 2.40%.

Meanwhile, if the number of cases per million population is taken, Argentina climbed five steps and went from position 32 to 27, which positions it as a South American nation with the most cases by number of inhabitants, followed by Uruguay in 30 and Brazil in 35. In America, it is only surpassed by small countries or islands. of the Caribbean, such as Panama, Aruba and San Bartolomé.

The top 10 indicates that United States leads the list with 33,217,995 infections, followed by India with 27,555,457 and Brazil with 16,342,162. The rest is done France (5,697,076), turkey (5.220.549), Russia (4,977,332), UK (4,489,552), Italy (4.205.970), Germany (3,673,990) and Argentina (3,663,215), in tenth place.

This new record of positives that Argentina had yesterday exceeds the peak that was recorded on Wednesday of last week, with 39,652. Nearly 38% of the newly infected come from the province of Buenos Aires, which reached its historic maximum on Thursday: 15,550. Thus, it exceeded the 15,166 recorded on April 16.

The rate of infections accelerated after the long Easter weekend – first in the AMBA and then indoors – and the impact of the new variants of the virus was evident, mainly that of Manaus of the Kingdom. United and the Andes.

In this context, the health authorities have also reported that the number of patients who remain hospitalized in the different intensive care units (ICU) of the country continues to grow and is currently 6.802, while the percentage of total bed occupancy in adult intensive care units is 76.2% nationwide and 77.5% in AMBA.

Why was a new case file reached?

Infobae, consulted experts to establish a list of what are the 4 keys which determine the current picture of contagions that Argentina is experiencing today.

📌 Slow system and lack of vaccination

📌 Collapsed health system and tired doctors

📌 New variants

📌 Relaxation, exhaustion and lack of tests

Read on:

The video that shows how easy it is to take a home test for COVID-19 in New York City
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X-ray of ‘excess deaths’ left by pandemic due to neglect of other diseases
Contraception and the danger of thrombosis during COVID-19
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