New study claims COVID-19 was created by Chinese scientists who then tried to cover their tracks


The Wuhan laboratory, in the sights of the international community (EFE)
The Wuhan laboratory, in the sights of the international community (EFE)

Explosive new study claims Chinese scientists created COVID-19 in Wuhan lab, then tried to hide its traces to give it the impression of having evolved naturally from bats.

The authors of the article, British professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Birger Sørensen wrote in their work that “the evidence for reverse engineering in China” has been around for a year, but has been ignored by academics and major journals.

Dalgleish is Professor of Oncology at St. George’s University, London, and is best known for his breakthrough in creating the very first “HIV vaccine” that works to treat diagnosed patients and allow them to stop the disease. drugs for months. And virologist Sørensen chairs pharmaceutical company Immunor, which has developed a vaccine against the coronavirus called Biovacc-19.

British teacher Angus Dalgleish
British teacher Angus Dalgleish

The scandalous allegations of the study includes charges of “deliberate destruction, concealment or contamination of data” in Chinese laboratories, and underlines the silence and the disappearance of the scientists of the communist country who took the floor.

The magazine article you accessed Daily mail and whose publication is scheduled for the next few days, could cause a shock within the scientific community, since most experts denied until recently that the origin of COVID-19 was anything other than a natural infection that went from animals to humans.

By testing COVID-19 samples last year in an attempt to create a vaccine, Dalgleish and Sørensen discovered “unique fingerprints” in the virus which they said could only have come from manipulation in a lab.

Norwegian scientist Birger Sørensen
Norwegian scientist Birger Sørensen

They claim to have attempted to publish their findings, but have been rejected by major scientific journals which, they denounce, “at the time were determined to say that the virus naturally jumped from bats and other animals to humans.” .

More than a year later, leading academics and politicians began to consider the possibility that COVID-19 had escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, a lab that is conducting experiments that include the manipulation of viruses to increase its infectivity in order to study its possible effects on humans.

In fact, this week President Joe Biden asked the intelligence community to reexamine the origin of the virus, including the lab crash theory. The announcement came after The Wall Street Journal revealed an intelligence report proving that several researchers from the Wuhan institute were hospitalized with symptoms similar to COVID-19 in November 2019.

In their work, Dalgleish and Sørensen conclude that “SARS-CoV-2 has no credible natural ancestor” and that the virus was created by “laboratory manipulation”.

In the article by 22 pages to appear in the scientific journal Quarterly review of the discovery of biophysicsdescribe their months-long “forensic analysis,” examining experiments conducted in the Wuhan lab between 2002 and 2019. Digging through journal and database archives, Dalgleish and Sørensen pieced together how Chinese scientists, some of which have worked in conjunction with American universities, supposedly building the tools to create the coronavirus.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology is home to a maximum security laboratory which is one of the few in the world with biosafety level 4 (i.e. it houses samples of very dangerous microorganisms, such as Ebola or smallpox).
The Wuhan Institute of Virology is home to a maximum security laboratory which is one of the few in the world with biosafety level 4 (i.e. it houses samples of very dangerous microorganisms, such as Ebola or smallpox).

Much of the work has focused on controversial ‘gain of function’ research, temporarily banned in the United States under the Obama administration. The gain of function involves modifying natural viruses to make them more infectious so that they can replicate in human cells in the laboratory, allowing better study and understanding of the potential effect of the virus in humans.

Dalgleish and Sørensen claim that scientists working on the “gain-of-function” projects took a “backbone” of a natural coronavirus found in Chinese cave bats and spliced ​​a new “beak” into it, transforming it in deadly and highly transmissible SARS -Cov-2.

One of the telltale signs of the alleged manipulation highlighted by the two scientists was a row of four amino acids they found in the SARS-Cov-2 peak.

In an interview with Daily mail, Sørensen said that all amino acids are positively charged, which causes the virus to adhere tightly to the negatively charged parts of human cells, like a magnet, thus becoming more infectious. But since, like magnets, positively charged amino acids repel each other, it’s rare to find even three in a row in natural organisms, while four in a row is “extremely unlikely,” the scientist said. “The laws of physics prevent there being four positively charged amino acids in a row. The only way to do it is to do it artificially, ”said Dalgleish.

Their new article states that these features of SARS-Cov-2 are “unique traces indicating intentional manipulation”, and that “the likelihood of it being the result of natural processes is very low.”

“A natural viral pandemic is expected to gradually mutate and become more infectious but less pathogenic, which many expected with the COVID-19 pandemic, but which does not appear to have occurred,” the scientists wrote. And they cautioned: “The implication of our historical reconstruction, which we now postulate beyond a reasonable doubt, of the deliberately manipulated SARS-CoV-2 chimeric virus, makes it imperative to reconsider which types of experiences gain of office are morally acceptable to undertake. “.

“Due to the large social impact, these decisions cannot be left to researchers alone,” they denounce.

China denied access to Wuhan Institute of Virology archives
China denied access to Wuhan Institute of Virology archives

China’s strategy to cover its responsibilities

In another surprising statement, Dalgleish and Sørensen say they have evidence that after the start of the pandemic, Chinese scientists took samples of the COVID-19 virus and “reverse engineered” it, making it appear as if it evolved naturally.

Experts’ suspicion lies in a slew of new strains suddenly introduced into genetic databases by predominantly Chinese scientists in early 2020, years after their collection was registered.

“We believe that reverse engineered viruses have been created,” Dalgleish told the Daily mail. “They changed the virus and then tried to make it look like a streak from years ago.”

In his article, Dalgleish and Sørensen also noted “destruction, concealment or deliberate contamination of data” in Chinese laboratories and noted that “Chinese scientists who wanted to share their knowledge could not do so or have disappeared.”

“It appears that the preserved viral material and associated information has been destroyed. Therefore, we find large data gaps, which may never be completed, ”they wrote.

Sørensen believes the virus has escaped from the less secure areas of the institute, where he believes “gain-of-function” research has been conducted. “We have seen leaks in the lab and we know they are happening. We also know from the reports we’ve seen that the coronavirus is being worked on in biosafety level 2 or level 3 labs. If they are gaining function in those labs, what can you expect?

Anthony Fauci, on the origin of COVID-19

A year ago the idea that the coronavirus could have leaked from a Chinese laboratory seemed crazy, one more chapter of a crazy conspiracy theory … But now everything has changed and even Anthony Fauci, the principal White House medical adviser, allowed himself to suggest before a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee. While asserting that the historical basis for pandemics that evolve naturally from an animal reservoir is extremely strong, he warned, “But nobody knows, not even me, 100% right now, which is why we are in favor of continuing to investigate “.

In a similar vein, Celine Gounder, an infectious disease expert who served on the advisory board of Biden’s COVID-19 transition team, spoke. Even though the Wuhan Institute of Virology is the least likely source of the outbreak, “it requires further investigation,” he said last Thursday in an interview with NPR. “And to say that it requires more research does not mean that the virus has actually leaked from a lab, but we have to investigate and find out because it really has implications for how we are going to prevent the next pandemic,” a- he declared. .

As Gounder explains, at first there was confusion and conspiracy theories and attacks on China intertwined, but now that the time has passed and there are more tools to analyze, the hypothesis that a laboratory accident has occurred “is certainly possible”.


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