The incredible case of Kashe Quest, the two-year-old girl with similar intelligence to Einstein’s


Kill Quest barely two years and it’s One of the most smart on the planet. At a young age, he incorporated various skills that most children develop long afterward. The quest can read and write, in addition to keep a large volume of information. In recent days, the prestigious association of the gifted Canteen accepted her as a member of the entity after the little girl, originally from the United States, obtained a astonishing result in his IQ test: 146 points.

In the same test, other eminences such as Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein they reached the 160 points. As a demonstration of his great ability, Kashe learned all the elements of the periodic table, which he now knows by heart and can identify.

In an interview on American television, Devon Quest, her father, said the girl usually wakes up hungry for knowledge. “I want to review the items” or “I want to review the statuses” are common requests in Quest house by the youngest family member.

Kashe's parents set up an Instagram account for her, where she receives great support after her extraordinary case became known
Kashe’s parents set up an Instagram account for her, where she receives great support after her extraordinary case became knownInstagram: @kashequest

The mother, meanwhile, recalled the first signs of her daughter’s extraordinary intelligence. “We started to notice that his memory was really cool“, He said Sukhjit Athwal. “She learned things very quickly and was really interested in learning. About at 17, 18 months, he had recognized all the alphabet, numbers, colors and shapes“. Today, Kashe recognizes each state of the country he lives in on a map and devotes himself to practicing new languages, such as Spanish. In dialogue with the channel CNNHer father added: “She has always shown us, more than anything, the propensity to explore her surroundings and ask the question ‘why?’ If you don’t know something, you want to know what it is and how it works, and once you’ve learned it, you apply it.“.

After proving his IQ to be well above average, Kashe joined Canteen, the organization that brings together the smartest people on the planet. “I think the most important thing for us is make sure we give her everything she needs in terms of its development and natural curiosity. We want to make sure we’ve done our part, ”her mother explained.

In exchange with the magazine People, the CEO of Mensa, Trevor MitchellHe said: “Kashe is definitely a remarkable addition. We are proud to have her and to be able to help her and her parents meet the unique challenges facing gifted young people.“.

Parents are now looking for an education that allows their daughter to have the “normal” life of a person her age and to avoid the pressures that can come from her unusual intelligence. “At the end of the day, she’s at this stage of a little girl,” her mother noted. “So she’s still a normal two-year-old with whom we negotiate, we have temper tantrums, we have everything. She needs to be with kids her own age and not have that pressure on her to act more than she needs to. “


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