Video: Cali merchant left President Duque with outstretched hand and went viral


President Iván Duque arrived in Cali on Friday after a preliminary report of 3 people killed by the protests that commemorated the first month of the national strike. Upon his arrival, he met the Metropolitan Police, the mayor of the city, Jorge Iván Ospina, the governor of Valle del Cauca, Clara Luz Roldán and the military leaders in an extraordinary security council.

On the morning of this Saturday, the Secretary of Security and Justice of Cali, Carlos Alberto Rojas, knew that the death toll for Friday stood at 10 dead, this figure being a preliminary. For his part, President Duque went this morning to 9na Street, in the sports complex of the Pan-American fields, after having been the previous night in the district of Ciudad Jardín, where acts of armed civilians were presented. There he was applauded, however, in “Las Canchas” the situation was not the same.

While the president greeted some of the traders in this sector, one of them refused to greet the president. The man barely saw Duque approaching to greet him and shake his arm, he angrily withdrew and crossed his arms to avoid the salute. The video has gone viral on social media.

Here is the moment:

In other videos shared on the networks, some people shook hands with the president in a local cholados, but when he left, other citizens started shouting “go to Puerto Resistencia, to ‘la loma», Referring to the busiest bottlenecks and where the frontline youth are. In the same clip, they ask Duque to invest more in education, “we need real solutions,” says a protester.

Later, on the same Ninth Street, the President, who is being transported in a truck, stops on a platform to speak and greet the community, however, across the street they are shouting words like “ murderer ‘puppet’ ‘and “ long’ ‘.

In another video, in the same place, other people tell him to “talk to pelados”, referring to the young people on the front line. “We don’t love you”, “we only ask for respect”, they shout at him. At that time, a young resident approached the president and complained about the civilians who were armed in Ciudad Jardín. “Yesterday, civilians marched with guns behind police fire. Do you know how many injured people (SIC) there were yesterday at Univalle? “, He asked him.

“We are asking for health, better education and you are killing us. He has no forgiveness, he has no forgiveness, ”says the young man, while Duque tells him it’s not like that and leaves.

After this visit to Cali, the president went to Popayán to advance a security council with the local authorities and in the presence of the Minister of Defense, Diego Molano, who this week won a motion of censure against him by the ‘opposition.

Iván Duque in Popayán Photo: @asiocurrio
Iván Duque in Popayán Photo: @asiocurrio

At noon this Saturday, the mayor of Cali, Jorge Iván Ospina, explained that the preliminary death toll on May 29 rose to 13 people, according to the authorities, but indicated that this is still being verified to see if they are associated with social protests. He added that 34 people were injured during the day, including two with guns.

“We regret that young people died in various sectors (…) The prosecution reports 13 homicides yesterday.”


Duque denounces that organizations pay between 70,000 and 100,000 pesos per day to vandals
Álvaro Uribe says Duque “lacks authority” and underlines the support that the armed forces would give him

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