The vaccine scandal that complicates Jair Bolsonaro


The Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (ICC) which analyzes the management of pandemic by the government of Jair Bolsonaro, more and more complicates the Brazilian president, one year from the elections.

According to a group of senators based on information from the Civil House (the equivalent of the chief of staff), the Bolsonaro’s red circle would have created a “Parallel Ministry of Health“last year, to define the strategy of brazilian government.

The group, which constituted the President, his sons Carlos (adviser) and Flvio (deputy) Bolsoon; former minister Osmar Terra; the presidential adviser Tercio Arnaud; the former communications secretary, Fabio Wajngarten; and Doctor Nise Yamaguchi- met at least 24 times in the palaces of Planalto and Alvorada. Bolsoon he was absent in six games.

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In one of the meetings, for example, the question of hydroxychloroquine, the antipaldic which Bolsoon defends as a treatment against Covid-19, although this is not proven. Others spoke of the coronavirus vaccination and the mechanism Covax.

Meanwhile, eHe has already passed the tragic milestone of 450,000 deaths by coronavirus and although the daily death rate dropped drastically (from 4000 to 2000), the contagions slowly start to increase after the restrictions Publish second hello. The moving average of daily infections rose about 10% last month.

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Although the cities are starting to worry sanitary system, Bolsoon went to Supreme Federal Court to try to stop the new one quarantines what they imposed Pernambuco, Paran Yes great north river. Inside of St.Paul, eleven other municipalities also re-enacted the confinement.

During an event, the Governor of São Paulo Joao Doriasaid the president “I destroyed lives“by refusing to close and it was a”genocide“.

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The Council of Municipal Secretaries of Health of Pernambuco, alerted last week that the oxygen is already low in some towns in the interior of the country and had to refer patients to larger hospitals.

In an open letter, oxygen distributors in Pernambuco warned that there are indications that demand is reaching a critical stage, and that there may be a supply crisis.

Pfizer has offered 70 million doses to the government at least four times. They did not respond

Only 14% of the more than 160 million people who could benefit from vaccine are immune with both doses, and the Butantan Institutes (San Pablo) Yes Fiocruz (Rio de Janeiro) temporarily suspended production of Coronavac and the AstraZeneca due to the lack of inputs. Together, the two vaccines represent 97% of the doses applied.

At the same time, the ICC continues to provide new revelations about the government’s actions. The director of Butantan Institute, Dimas Covas, said last week that the government in October 2020 rejected an offer to 100 million doses.

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The contract, which was delayed by political and bureaucratic obstacles According to Covas, it was closed in December (for 46 million) but it was too late to meet the delivery times initially planned. Another contract was signed in February for 54 million additional doses.

But that wasn’t the only problem with acquiring vaccines: according to Carlos Murillo, former CEO of Pfizer in order to Brazil, in August, the company offered the Ministry of Health 70 million doses, but no answer.

The company repeated the offer two more times before Pfizer’s global CEO submitted the proposal in writing to Bolsoon, with a copy at leader, The Health ministers Yes Economy and the ambassador of the United States at Brazil. The government never responded. Six months later, in the midst of the chaos of Wave 2, I contracted for 100 million doses.

In contrast, the government rarely achieved the official goal of one million vaccinations per day, with which the Minister Paulo Guedes intends to reactivate the Brazilian economy within the framework of pandemic.


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