The Venezuelan opposition denounced the Chavist dictatorship’s coronavirus vaccination plan: “Only those who have the national card have priority”


The opposition Delsa Solórzano criticized the vaccination plan promoted by the Chavist regime (EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez)
The opposition Delsa Solórzano criticized the vaccination plan promoted by the Chavist regime (EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez)

Venezuelan opposition Delsa Solórzano criticized this Sunday that Nicolás Maduro’s regime is using the so-called Patria system as a method to summon people to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, as the anti-Chavismo argues that this system is used to “social control”.

“How to qualify the accomplices of the regime who play with the life and health of Venezuelans? They make fun of our elders, stressing that only those who have a “national card” have priority to be vaccinated.the opposition official said in a message on Twitter.

La opositora acompañó el mensaje con a video en el that observed a una mujer that, aparentemente, está organizando a grupo de personas que están en una fila esperando para vacunarse, mientras les dice que “por el auge” que hay “el día de today” “Priority will be given to staff who received the SMS via the national card.”

“We are not going to say that we are not going to take care of the one who has not received the message, we are also going to take care of him”, continues the woman in the matter, while specifying that she is in writing a list with the party related to Chavismo.

Chavista official informs people that those with the national card will have priority

Dozens of Venezuelans arrived at the Alba Caracas hotel around 5 a.m., and after several hours they were still waiting their turn. While those who had the “national card”, managed to get vaccinated without having to queue.

“What we are going through here is not fair… A right that we all have to the vaccine, mainly the elderly who are inside and who have not yet been able to access it. Not everything is happening just because we need the vaccine; we are human beings, we are Venezuelans, and They ask for the national card to enter and be vaccinated. We have the right to the vaccine, we demand our vaccine, as Venezuelans, we do not have to depend on a card so that they can give us the vaccine ”, denounced a citizen, in dialogue with the NTN channel 24.

The Venezuelan dictatorship announced last Friday that it would begin this weekend with the “massive” vaccination of the population against covid-19 and that it would use for its organization the Patria system, a system it uses to grant a social assistance and that It is called into question by the opposition because it considers that it serves the “control” of society.

The Minister of Health, Carlos alvarado, said that this system will work randomly taking into account priority sectors and anyone who does not want to register must then do so in a registry that will be activated on their wallet website.

Venezuela remains, according to national and international organizations, in the last positions in Latin America in terms of vaccination against the coronavirus.

The government of Juan Guaidó and Venezuelan doctors denounced that the regime of Nicolás Maduro had diverted thousands of vaccines to first immunize those responsible for Chavista (Palacio de Miraflores / Marcelo García / Document via REUTERS)
The government of Juan Guaidó and Venezuelan doctors denounced that the regime of Nicolás Maduro had diverted thousands of vaccines to first immunize those responsible for Chavista (Palacio de Miraflores / Marcelo García / Document via REUTERS)

In the country, the quantity of vaccines arrived is unknown with precision, because the data offered by the Chavist authorities are contradictory. According to Maduro’s latest statement on the subject, 1,300,000 vaccines have recently arrived in the country from China. However, the regime did not show images of the arrival of this shipment, as it did with others, and did not provide any further information about it.

Juan Guaidó said that “it is a lie” that 1,300,000 COVID-19 vaccines have arrived: “Is a lie. 30 or 40,000 vaccines arrive and … photo on the plane, photo of landing, photo back in Caracas, they show the box … 1,300,000 vaccines have arrived and there is no has no photo? It is obvious that this is a big lie on the part of the dictatorship ”.

Before the announcement of this new batch of doses, Maduro had given details of the receipt of 930,000 vaccines from Russia and China, while Minister Alvarado brought this figure to 1,480,000, without knowing the dates of arrival over half a million that makes a difference or whatever. The data.

As of Saturday, Venezuela has accumulated a total of 231,443 cases and 2,615 deaths from covid-19, according to official figures.

With information from EFE


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