Harsh criticism of the government for the controversial turn in Argentina’s foreign policy: “It is a betrayal of constitutional values”


Argentina’s latest foreign policy decisions continue to elicit criticism and adverse reactions from the political and academic spheres as well as civil organizations. The last definition known today was in charge of the association Republican professors, who released a document questioning the diplomatic turn that accelerated weeks ago with statements by the government of President Alberto Fernández and Vice-President Cristina Kirchner.

The alarm went off after three important stages in the country’s foreign relations: condemning Israel for having exercised its right of defense against the attack by the terrorist organization Hamas; support for the Nicolás Maduro regime by withdrawing Argentina from the complaint lodged with the Hague Court for human rights violations in Venezuela; and finally alignment with China and its international military and technological strategy.

In view of this, Republican professors issued a statement in which he warns “with great concern about the positions recently adopted by national authorities on foreign policy.” These clearly show a total incompatibility with the most cherished Argentinian traditions and with the republican spirit enshrined in the preamble of our national Constitution“.

Nicolás Maduro celebrated Argentina's support by withdrawing the complaint in court in The Hague.  (Photo Reuters)
Nicolás Maduro celebrated Argentina’s support by withdrawing the complaint lodged with the Court in The Hague. (Photo Reuters)

Argentina’s foreign policy must be a real and solid pillar of the state, oblivious to the circumstances of the current political situation. The unrestricted defense of the national interest, equality between peoples, individual freedoms and human rights cannot be manipulated by those who govern us, ”he continued.

In addition, the entity questioned “our alignment with autocratic regimes that they ignore the fundamental principles of individual liberty and incur repeated violations of the rule of law and human rights, puts us in the face of great uncertainty as to the future ”.

Backup on of the coalition of nations which, with good reason, denounced the authoritarian government of Venezuela before the International Criminal Court; to press with the Argentine vote, the creation of an international commission to investigate Israel, a country under attack, for alleged human rights violations in the recent conflict in the Gaza Strip, -assured the association- and to belong at the São Paulo Forum, moving our country away from its traditional link with Western democracies is the complete demonstration of a false path that seeks double to systems which, for the purposes of Claim the populism, promote poverty, the degradation of the human person, the destruction of the future of the citizens and the division of the populations as a mechanism of elimination of the Argentinian national feeling ”.

The Hamas terrorist organization fired hundreds of missiles into Israeli territory.  (Photo Reuters)
The Hamas terrorist organization fired hundreds of missiles into Israeli territory. (Photo Reuters)

Republican professors insisted that “It is clear that these are not the values ​​that the vast majority of the Argentine people have.“, For which” he feels in the moral, republican, constitutional and institutional obligation to repudiate the policy of alignment that, step by step, the national government leads with the most virulent regimes on the planet “.

Finally the association “urges the national government to rectify the course of our foreign policy, returning to the constitutional values ​​and principles which once made us worthy of respect in the concert of free nations and from which we should never stray“.

The signatories of the declaration are Marta Nercellas, Jorge Ossona, Santiago Kovadloff, Miguel Wiñazki, Guillermo Mizraji, Alejandro Fargosi, Norma Sbarbati Nudelman, Alicia Vicente, Horacio Roitman, Gerardo Vega, Juan Manuel Odriozola, Jorge Sigal, Antonio Rrique Gráere Enrique Enrique , Julián Schvindlerman, Rubén Pappacena, Mario Volman, Jorge Salvat, Luciana Minassian, Alejandro Borda, Liuba Lencova, Oscar Garzón Funes, Beltrán Gambier and Horacio Bermúdez.

In addition, the declaration was also signed by José María Gastaldi, Luis Herrero, Marcelo Camerini, Ernesto Barugel, Marcelo Mayud Maisonneuve, Ignacio Imaz, Julio Rovegno, Sergio Bergman, Roberto Malkassian, Eduardo Barrera Delfino, Dalvid Halperín, Cecilia Lanús Ocampo, Juan Luongo, Jorge Cohen, Daniel Jacoby, Sergio Suárez, Carlos Guaia, Alberto Cohan, Ernesto Bullorsky, Alfredo Popritkin, Darío Luna, Sergio Borisonik, Walter RJ Ton, Ricardo M. Castrogiovanni, Martín Bourel and Raúl Romero.

Finally, they signed the document of the republican professors Alberto Levy, Emilio Perina, Alejandro Fotheringham, Diego Bunge, Daniel Altman, Victoria Masri, Eduardo J. Varela, Ana María Gentile, María Verónica Aballay, Alejandro Matozo, Daniel Dubin, Arnaldo Kleidermacher, Eduardo Schmidberg, Lidia Vaiser, Héctor Svartz, Robert Abieri and the signings follow.


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