Francisco asked the Virgin to untie the knots for the end of the pandemic | the Chronicle


This Monday the dad Francisco and about 300 believers prayed to the image of the Virgin of the Vatican Gardens, asking “May humanity resume its daily life in complete safetyIn this way, the rosary prayer marathon that took place in May was brought to a close.

The initiative, which sought invoke the end of the pandemic, involved prayer sessions around the world: initiated by Francis himself before the Basilica of San Pedro, the order went through the Middle East, Africa and Asia to Latin America.

The last session saw the Pope before the Untied virgin, who is known to be a staunch devotee. The Vatican explained that “choose this image wants to represent a special prayer so that the Virgin intercedes to undo the suffering who bound the world in this time of health crisis, but also economic, psychological and social relations“.

The image is a copy of a painting preserved in Augsburg, Germany, by German artist Johann Georg Melchior Scmidtner from 1700.

The Pope asked the Virgin to undo the “many knots that are linked to our existence“, among which he mentioned five fundamental conflicts: One for “loneliness and indifference, which deepened at this time“, another for him unemployment, “with particular attention to youth and female unemployment“; a third for the violence, “especially one that comes from the family“, and another for the institution of wedding.

One of the knots is more directly linked to the pandemic situation: the Pope’s prayer for the “human progress“, in which he refers the need to share scientific discoveries so that they are accessible to all, especially the weakest and the poorest.

Further proving his request for the universality of vaccination, the Sovereign Pontiff closed the event by asking “that everyone, without exclusion of any kind, soon have the opportunity to protect themselves with the vaccine“.

The recitation of the rosary was followed by a procession through the gardens, where dozens of devotees participated in addition to the children who received communion in the parish of Viterbo, the first church to open its doors to set up vaccination centers.


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