Alberto Fernández received the DAIA at Casa Rosada …


President Alberto Fernández met with representatives of the DAIA at Casa Rosada, after Argentina voted in favor at the United Nations Human Rights Council to open an investigation into human rights violations committed in the Gaza strip. The DAIA had spoken critically on the position taken by the government, but at the end of the meeting with the president, it said that “it was an honest and transparent meeting” and that it understood the decision taken. by Argentina, even though they “preferred to abstain”. Meanwhile, from the Argentinian Jewish Appeal, they stressed that “the DAIA does not speak on behalf of Argentine Jews. It only speaks on behalf of a sector of the right that pricks itself on itself. and does not consult the representation of the whole “.

The resolution that generated these conflicting opinions was approved last week by the UN Human Rights Council with 24 votes in favor out of a total of 47 members. Argentina’s vote in favor joins those of Mexico, China, Russia and Bolivia, among others, while countries like Brazil, Italy, Japan, France and the Netherlands stand together. are abstained. The United States, meanwhile, is not part of the Council, since Donald Trump withdrew the country during his administration. The meeting with the DAIA to discuss this issue and explain the government’s position was held at the office of President and Foreign Minister Felipe Solá and Secretary of Worship Guillermo Olivieri attended.

The proposal for the creation of the commission of experts which will be in charge of the investigation and will promote a study of “all the root causes of the recurring tensions” in the Gaza Strip, was promoted by the UN High Commissioner, former President of Chile Michelle Bachelet. In this sense, the Argentinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has declared that it listens to and always supports the positions of the High Commissioner within the framework of the United Nations Council.

Argentina’s ambassador to Israel, Sergio Urribarri, was summoned this Monday by the foreign ministry of that country and will attend a meeting at the embassy tomorrow. As commented by the Argentine government, the appointment is to explain the position adopted by our country, but also for them to explain their position. “It is a usual practice”, they stressed near Solá.

The Foreign Ministry explained that Argentina’s positive vote was part of a historic policy of predictability on these issues. “Argentina has a lot of prestige and history in everything related to Human Rights and everyone knows that in this matter the country is a reference”, they indicated in dialogue with this newspaper. “The priority is to be predictable”, they insisted and recalled that “last year, we voted in the same way for Venezuela”. They also underlined the role of the Argentine Ambassador to the UN Human Rights Council, Federico Villegas, an internationally recognized specialist in this field.

“What they have done is deal with the Bachelet report. We can disagree with this membership and we ask that this does not happen again because it has increased anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in Argentina, which for us is the same, ”he said. reporters from Casa Rosada the head of DAIA, Jorge Knoblovits, who was part of the meeting.

From the Argentinian Jewish Appeal, for their part, they felt that “DAIA is, at present, the community expression of Together for Change”, and added that “it is indisputable that it is responsible to defend the positions of the Israeli far right which – Like Hamas, they are responsible for the violence and massacres which have been systematically repeated for decades, claiming thousands of lives among the civilian population. “The Appeal said that “The repeated war scenarios are motivated by the occupation of the West Bank and the colonial situation to which the Palestinians are subjected, who are deprived of their citizenship rights and full national sovereignty.”


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