Stop López Obrador: they warned the president for disseminating propaganda during the election period


The electoral tribunal ruled that AMLO had carried out propaganda (Photo: Reuters)
The electoral tribunal ruled that AMLO had carried out propaganda (Photo: Reuters)

The electoral tribunal issued a decision after considering that Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), President of Mexico since 2018, had interfered in the electoral process before the federal elections on June 6.

In a statement, the Presidency team said that the sentence will be followed dictated by the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judicial Power around the case.

According to the document, it was defined that Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in his capacity as president of the nation, disseminate personalized government propaganda at a time when it was banned by the electoral authority.

This, moreover, means that he would have abused public resources. The above was asserted because by the time of the “First 100 Days of the Third Year of Government” event, campaigns had already started in various states such as Campeche, Colima, Guerrero, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí and Sonora.

The propaganda was awarded at the event
The propaganda was awarded at the event “First 100 days of the third year of government” (Photo: EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)

However, the sanction against the President of the Republic is only applicable in cases related to criminal offenses, therefore there will be no penalty in this case.

In this regard, the presidential office stated that the fact that there is no sanction for electoral offenses, it does not mean that “unconstitutional conduct or procedure is permitted”.

“The above is particularly relevant when one considers the ruling presence in the president’s government, so You have a special duty to take care of the behaviors you adopt in the performance of their duties, ”they explained.

Therefore, they indicated that it was determined, among other aspects, the issuance of non-repetition measures “so that these behaviors do not recur”.

As a result, they noted, AMLO must act with moderation, awareness and self-control before undertaking or issuing any act during an electoral process, since it is required to “guarantee the constitutional principles of impartiality, equity and neutrality”, which the president protested to enforce .

According to AMLO, the country has changed and despite the deaths that the election carries on its back,
According to AMLO, the country has changed and despite the deaths that the election carries on its back, “it’s not like it used to be” (Photo: EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)

During his last “morning” from the National Palace, the Mexican president assured that there are conditions for citizens to vote on June 6, despite the violence.

According to AMLO, the country has changed and despite the deaths that the election takes on its back, “it’s not like it used to be,” which he said could even prove, but he would not “compare the death toll. “. .

“There are conditions everywhere, they also wanted to know that there is a lot of violence during the elections; As this is a very sensitive, very sensitive issue, we have been careful to talk about what has happened before, but I can tell you that even though it is the greatest choice, Regarding the number of candidates to choose, even with the unfortunate violence, it is not the same as before, and I can prove it, nothing more than we will not compare the number of deceased, we do not want anyone lose my life “, said the Mexican president.

On June 6, Mexico will elect 500 federal deputies, in addition to 30 local congresses (Image: Infobae México / Jovani Pérez)
On June 6, Mexico will elect 500 federal deputies, in addition to 30 local congresses (Image: Infobae México / Jovani Pérez)

A few days before the mid-term elections in Mexico, considered the most important in the history of the country, tension is mounting with accusations between candidates, parties and authorities of strong electoral violence.

In the June 6 elections, Mexico will elect 500 federal deputies, in addition to 30 local congresses, that is to say, 1,063 state deputies; 1,926 town halls and municipal councils, and finally 15 governorates.


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