44% of people killed by coronavirus in May were under 65


In recent weeks, the effects of vaccination against the coronavirus. Whenever they are less The over 50 hospitalized and deceased, while the occupancy of intensive care beds and deaths increase between the age groups that are not considered in the vaccination campaign, and that they are the main labor force in the country.

In epidemiological terms, May was the worst month since the coronavirus outbreak in Argentina. Of the total deaths, 44% were people between the ages of 21 and 65, the age group that makes up the main workforce in Argentina. While there are those who venture to speak of a third wave or a new pandemic, the truth is that, so far, in the fifth month of the year, the peak in all health indicators. From the peak of the first wave, growth was 58.87%, from 2,988 in October to 4,747 in May.

The total number of deaths recorded in October was almost the same as in May, but due to vaccination and the characteristics of the new strains, the age distribution has changed. While At the height of the first wave, 72% of those who died were over 66 years old, in the second this figure fell to 55.68%.

In the government, they hope that an acceleration of the vaccination campaign added to the intermittent isolation will stop the advance in the coming days.

According to the country’s health ministry monitor, 12,713,228 vaccines have already been applied nationwide, but 15,373,890 doses have arrived. With projections of new arrivals in the coming days, daily vaccinations are starting to be exceeded and the goal is to reach as many people as possible before the onset of the harshest winter. In just the last seven days, They were 1,240,809 The serums provided.

The effects of advancing vaccination

The campaign started with the older age groups considered to be at risk. Already 65% of 90-99 year olds are immune; 84% of those aged 80 to 89; nearly 89% of those aged 70 to 79; 84% of 60 to 69 year olds and 35.1% of 50 to 59 year olds. Along with this progress, the effects on health indicators in these age groups are starting to be felt.

According to Argentine Society of Intensive Therapy (SATI), of the total boarding schools in intensive care beds at the end of May only 1.5% matches people vaccinated with two doses and the 12.3% to the immune with one component. Although the number has increased in both cases from the April measurement, it is linked to the exponential growth in daily cases: the more infections there are, the more people need intensive care.

Although people who have been vaccinated may require medical attention, the main effect of vaccination is that it greatly reduces the severity of the disease. The president’s contagion Alberto Fernandez was a clear example in this regard. Among its conclusions, SATI underlines that it is reduces the proportion of vaccinated patients with moderate or severe illness admitted to intensive care units.

Composition of ITUs according to vaccinated – Graph: SATI

But growing hospitalizations don’t necessarily translate into more deaths. According to data analyzed by Soledad Retamar, a teacher and researcher at the National University of Technology (UTN), while between the first and second waves, deaths of people aged 21 to 65 increased by 58.87% , in the case of over 66 years. years decreased by 22.75%, in line with the increase in vaccination.

Still according to the analysis of the provincial senator of Corrientes Martin barrionuevo, At the height of the second wave, the number of deaths under the age of 50 in the first wave doubled, go from a daily average of 25 to 54; while the growth among 50 and 59 year olds was 82%, from 41 to 75 daily deaths. In both cases, they are people who go out to work every day or who perceive the complications of the disease as distant.

According to the latest SATI report, it was observed more young and seriously ill hospitalized patients. Two in ten people hospitalized in an intensive care unit – regardless of age – presented with more than one organ failure and 15% had criteria for dialysis. This is the main concern of these hours in the health system.

Not only younger patients require a greater number of days of hospitalization until discharge, but rather more and more of them are not beating the disease. In many cases, the need to maintain the pace of work or the feeling of mild symptoms lead to delay in seeking help and self-medication. For this reason, when they arrive at a health center, they already have a serious condition that ends in hospitalization and even death.

According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), because during much of the pandemic, health centers were primarily concerned with elderly people with pre-existing conditions, which generated a “Feeling of false security” among the younger population.

“Adults of all ages – including young people – they get seriously ill and many of them die, ”he warned in the first days of May Carissa Etienne, Director of the Americas Office of the World Health Organization (WHO). The figures in Argentina eventually reflect this warning. According to SATI, at the end of May, the average age of internees was 53, a year less than in April.

What to expect with increased vaccination

If the vaccination campaign progresses at a good pace, we can expect for the next few months not only a curb the growth of the contagion curve other also in deaths. The examples are in sight. After more than a year of restrictions and a vaccination campaign that succeeded in immunizing 63% of its population in record time, Israel was managing to normalize the lives of its inhabitants.

the UK -which has also made progress towards standardization of activities- has already vaccinated 58%. This Tuesday, reported no deaths by the coronavirus for the first time since the start of the pandemic.

Bahrain has vaccinated 55.3% of its population; Chile, 55.1%, and the United States, 50.1%. Argentina is in 16th place, with 21%, just below Brazil, which totals 21.4%. It is also overtaken by Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Serbia, Denmark, Poland, Slovakia and Norway.


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