Coronavirus: Uruguay has authorized vaccination against …


Children and adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18 who reside in Uruguay may be scheduled to receive the covid-19 vaccine, as President Luis Lacalle Pou announced in a television interview on Tuesday. He specifies at the same time that will be inoculated with the dose of the American laboratory Pfizer.

Today the Vaccines Commission has authorized vaccination from 12 to 18 years old, with which already at the end of this week we will ask for their programming“said the president in an interview with the local newspaper Channel 10.

Lacalle Pou also reported that the government signed a reserve of more than 500,000 new doses of Coronavac, from the Chinese laboratory Sinovac, and assured: “There, we will have all the vaccines for everyone. “

In addition, the president announced investments for the most vulnerable sectors, particularly affected by the advance of the coronavirus.

“There is no money in abundance in the country, we have come to put out a fire, we have been balanced,” said Lacalle Pou, and clarified that the support of the Ministry of Social Development increased by 50 for cent, which provided “grants of all kinds and colors” and also waivers for those affected by the pandemic.

The Uruguayan head of state has once again defended his decision to avoid stricter measures to reduce mobility, on which the scientific community and medical associations have insisted. Is that Uruguay is currently going through the worst moment of the health emergency: ehe country of 3.5 million people records 4,276 deaths due to covid-19 and remains the country in the world with the highest relative number of deaths due to the virus in the last 14 days.

For its part, the government is putting all its assets on vaccination, which began on March 1 and is progressing at a good pace. “In mid-July we should have two million Uruguayans with the doses of the vaccines“said Lacalle Pou.

Since Tuesday, 52% of the population has already received at least one dose of Sinovac, Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccines.


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