United States Confirmed to Donate Coronavirus Vaccines to Argentina


Argentina has received good news in its race to get more coronavirus vaccines. The United States has confirmed it will give doses to several countries in the region, among which is the administration of Alberto Fernández.

According to an official statement, the White House will donate six million vaccines to be distributed in at least 14 countries in Central and South America. The lot will be distributed via the COVAX mechanism and will reach “Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Haiti and other Caribbean countries such as the Dominican Republic“, we informed.

There are still no details on the criteria that will be used to determine how many vaccines will reach each country. Nor what will they be. The United States has doses of Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and Astrazeneca. Pfizer was cleared for an emergency in Argentina, but it was never used as direct negotiations with the lab were frustrated. Astrazeneca is the other formulation approved by the National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT).

Argentine Ambassador to the United States Jorge Argüello learned this morning that Argentina will be included in the donation. Alberto Fernández learned the news before attending an event in Mendoza and in particular asked the diplomatic representative to try to speed up the arrival of vaccines as much as possible. Most likely, they will arrive around the end of June, they estimate at Casa Rosada.

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