A 12-year-old boy ran with a stick to three assailants who stole his grandfather's car


Capturing video image of security cameras Credit: capturing video

MONEY.- Osvaldo Mateos had finished helping his 12 year old grandson to do his homework for the school. It was Sunday and the next day, a holiday for the Independence Day. The grandfather closed the file and left to enter the garage of the car, which he had left parked in front of his house. He was very slow until the vehicle and at that moment he was surprised by three young delinquents. They were armed and did not hesitate to shoot in the air when the retired woman, seeing what was happening, began to scream. When all this happened, the grandson left the house with a stick to defend his grandfather.

Holding the staff, he reached them, but he could not do anything: the criminals stabbed him and the boy stepped back. The three thieves got into the car and escaped, in front of the eyes of the two pensioners and their grandson, grateful that nothing had happened to them.

The event took place on Sunday night in 518 between 6 and 7, in Ringuelet, the same neighborhood where Abril Bogado, 12, was murdered last year.

After fleeing, the thieves abandoned the car, a Citroën Xsara Picbado, a few blocks away. Police investigators found the wheels at the intersection of 7th and 514th Avenue.

after a car accident, they suffered that they had to wait a long time to recover their own vehicle. But after overcoming the fear, with his wife, Mauricia Candel, they could buy the Xsara Picbado.

For two weeks, the car "slept outside". It is that Mateos, a retired teacher, used the garage as an office for his clerical work. Last Sunday, it was the first time that he was going to take the car because he had installed things in the garage.

It is at this point that the three young offenders surprised him. After the robbery, police station staff 6a. Tolosa deployed an operation and was able to find the abandoned car.

After the burglary, Andrea, daughter of the woman who went out to defend her retired husband, described: "It was crazy what we are living"; he badured that after the dramatic moment, the grandparents "were nervous, they were quite shocked" and afraid.

In the outlying areas of this city, fear slowly invades the neighbors.
. The mayor of La Plata, Julio Garro, acknowledged in an interview with La Nacion that there are more crimes in recent months

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