A 12-year-old boy raped his 6-year-old sister for a video game


The boy wanted to recreate a bad scene that he had seen in the little game. Everything was discovered because the girl told a clbadmate at school.

United Kingdom. A 12-year-old boy was supposed to represent a bad scene that he had seen in the Grand Theft Auto video game. He then raped his 6-year-old sister. The court of a juvenile court in Swindon, Wiltshire County, UK, announced that the accused could be sentenced to spend one year in a therapeutic center.

According to the reports of the case, the minor allegedly badually abused his sister on several occasions during a short period. The event happened while the parents were sleeping in a room and living room of the house where the whole family lived. Supposedly the child mistreated his sister after playing the video game.

According to the court, the abuse began after the boy observed badually suggestive images while playing the Grand Theft Auto video game. The records indicate that the child recreated what he saw while a third brother was in the same room. The girl told a clbadmate that her brother was giving her a "special love". Prosecutor Russel Ryne, who intervenes in the case, said that the girl had told him that a teacher. "His brother had seen badual acts in the video game and wanted to see how they were in reality," Russel Ryne added.

The charges against the minor are as follows: three for rape and one for incitement to badual behavior. The young man pleaded guilty in all cases.


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