A 12-year-old boy raped his sister after seeing a sex scene in a video game – 03/02/2019


A boy copied a bad scene from the Grand Theft Auto video game and he raped his little sister, according to the British newspaper The Mirror. The 12-year-old attacked his six-year-old victim in the living room and bedroom of his family home while the adults were in another room or sleeping, according to what was said this week at the trial held at Swindon Youth Court (United Kingdom).

He has repeatedly raped her, including Christmas Day. The first incident started after the child has seen images of a badual act in the video game, as noted Swindon Court. The rape took place while another little brother was in the room.

A boy copied a bad scene from the Grand Theft Auto video game and raped his little sister.

A boy copied a bad scene from the Grand Theft Auto video game and raped his little sister.

The minor whose name can not be revealed for legal reasonshe was tried for three counts of rape and one for inciting the girl to participate in badual activities., as read in the Swindon Juvenile Court. Now he will have to undergo treatment within the next 12 months and, if he overcomes it properly, he will be removed from his criminal record. When the judge asked him what he would do if he had the opportunity to return to the past, the miner said: "I would stop, I learned that was wrong. "

The child was brought to justice for three counts of rape and another for inciting the girl to participate in badual activities. Photo: EFE

The child was brought to justice for three counts of rape and another for inciting the girl to participate in badual activities. Photo: EFE

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Attorney Russell Pyne, a specialist in rape and serious badual crimes, recounted how it happened: "The victim told a friend of the school what his brother had done to him".

"His friend told a teacher, who said that the girl seemed withdrawn and calm until then, but that she was much better after talking about it ".

When he was questioned by the police, the boy first denied the crimes, but then acknowledged his guilt.

When he was questioned by the police, the boy first denied the crimes, but then acknowledged his guilt.

When he was questioned by the police, the boy first denied the crimes, but then acknowledged his guilt. About the case, Pyne explained what motivated the boy: "I watched badgraphy and badual acts in a video game and he wanted to see how that was. "

Gordon Hotson, the defender, said: "This is a unique opportunity to help this young man, you must give the team that specializes in these issues the opportunity to work with them and make sure that never happens again. "

The case was held in Swindon court.

The case was held in Swindon court.

"He was ready to open with the team and he worked very well with them. There was no contact between the brothers. "The children's mother said," We just want to do things right and do what is best for children. He does things well and I want to make sure that we can become a family again at some point. "

"My daughter was very sad about everything she had experienced because she thought it was all her fault, but little by little she understood. It's a very strong girl and there is not a drop of sadness in her now. I am very proud of her. "

The minor will be placed on the bad offender list for the next two and a half years.

Source: The Vanguardia



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