A 12-year-old boy sexually abused his younger sister for a scene that he had seen in a video game


To represent a bad scene that I had seen in the Grand Theft Auto video game, a 12-year-old boy mistreated his 6-year-old sister.

The court of a juvenile court in Swindon, Wiltshire County, UK, said the accused – whose name can not be revealed because of his age – could be sentenced to one year of detention in a therapeutic center.

According to the case reports, the child raped his sister repeatedly for a short time. Whenever he did it in the family home, while the parents were sleeping.

One room and one living room were designated as places where all badual abuse took place.

It started to happen after the child observed badual images while playing video games Grand Theft Auto, as reported to the court.

The reports specified that the minor had decided to recreate with his sister what he had seen in the game, while a third brother was also in the room.

Visibly affected, the mother heard the details of the charges against her eldest son. Three are for rape and one for incitement to badual behavior. The young man pleaded guilty in all cases.

Attorney Russel Ryne said the girl told her school friend about things her older brother had done to her. The youngest told her partner that the brother was doing it "special conditionsas he called them.

"Her friend told a teacher about it, and soon afterwards the adults noticed that the child felt better after telling her story. Previously I was very retired "explained the prosecutor.

"His brother had seen badual acts in the video game and wanted to see how they were in reality," Russel Ryne added.

For her part, the mother said that she only hoped that things would go well and that the safety of the children would not be affected.

"I want to make sure that we can all become a family again"he stated.

"My daughter was very sad because of all this, she feared it was her fault, but she made giant steps, she's a very strong girl and there is not a little sadness in her now, I am very proud of her, "he concluded.

The Grand Theft Auto video game is only sold to 18 year olds because of its violent content.

With over 250 million units sold, the video game is the fourth most popular franchise in the world, just behind the Nintendo Mario and Pokémon series and the iconic Tetris. In 2013, the newspaper The telegraph placed the game among the english export products more success in all history

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