A 123-year-old monk has revealed the secret of his longevity: not having sex | Chronic


Big surprise generated Swami Sivananda, an Indian monk who decided to take a flight to Abu Dhabi International Airport. By showing his passport, the officers discovered that the old man was 123 years old and, as he explained, he reached that age because "do not practice sex, do not eat spicy and practice yoga daily".

Sivananda was born in 1896 in Kolkata, in the state of West Bengal. He grew up in extreme poverty and, at the age of 6, he lost his parents. His relatives then entrusted him to a spiritual guru with whom he traveled throughout India before settling in Varanasi. There, he lives independently, without medical complications.

Sivananda at home (courtesy of AFP).

The old man told local media that he has "a simple and disciplined life", in which you eat only cooked foods, such as rice, without oils or spices. To this he adds that he also performs a daily two hour yoga session.

His bed consists of a mat laid on the floor and a wooden slab that he uses as a pillow. "I avoid drinking milk or fruits because I think they are sophisticated foods. In my childhood, I slept for several days fasting. "he explained.

The monk next to one of the airport hostesses (courtesy provided).

The monk also made it clear that he had never asked to be registered as the person with the longest life because he was not looking for publicity, but his followers ended up convincing him to appear.

"Today, people are unhappy, unhealthy and have become dishonest, which hurts a lot.", he said comparing with colonial India in which he was born and added: "I just want people to be healthy and at peace".

The old man with one of his supporters (Courtesy Gulf News).


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