A 2-year-old girl died after her mother forgot her in the car


She arrived in San Diego, California, when her mother left her and found her dead after a nap Credit: Shutterstock

A two year old girl died as a result of the heat of confinement. This happened at the entrance to his home in San Diego, California. As reported by The Independent, his mother woke up and noticed that Scarlett was not inside the house. When he discovered his unconscious inside the car, he called the emergency services, but it was too late, the girl was dead instantly because of high temperatures.

This type of tragedy is becoming more common in the United States. Every nine days, there is a death due to parental negligence. This gives a scary total of 38 deaths a year, according to the Kids and Cars organization, which seeks to raise awareness about this problem.

The case of Scarlett arrived a few weeks later in New York, a father forgot to take his twins a year to the daycare, leaving them locked in his car for a very hot day. On leaving work, he discovered the worst scenario that a father could see: his children had died in the back seat of his car.

Another similar case occurred in Argentina in November, when
A one year old baby died of hyperthermia and choking in a car in La Plata.

The causes

When the human body reaches temperatures above 40 degrees, its organs are in danger. Children are particularly vulnerable because their bodies warm up three to five times faster than that of an adult.

Children who die in hot cars are usually under 2 years old, although there have been victims up to 5 years old. Deaths were recorded even when the outside temperature did not exceed 23 degrees Celsius.



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