A 21-year-old American tourist became the youngest person to know every country in the world


On May 31, Lexie Alford, a 21-year-old American, arrived in North Korea and broke a record: she became the youngest in history to know every country in the world. With this new stamp on her pbadport, she lost the job of James Asquith, three years older than her.

From an early age, Lexie dreamed of traveling around the world. Especially because tourism has always been very much rooted since their parents had a travel agency in California. "This trip was part of my life because I had memory before," he said in an interview with Forbes.

Growing up, Lexie went from floating villages in Cambodia to Burj Kjalifa in Dubai. From Ushuaia cold south of Argentina up to the hot pyramids of Egypt. "My parents wanted to expose me to all lifestyles around the world and this has had a very profound impact on the person I am today, "explained the adventure.

Although in the beginning she simply traveled without having the intention of breaking a record, she realized in 2016 that I could inspire other girls young people leave their comfort zone. It is thus that he began planning his goal of reaching each of the nations of the world. And share your adventures on your @LexieLimitless Instagram account, where more than 60,000 people follow their different routes.

After completing high school, Lexie decided not to start university to focus on full-time to travel. In the interview with the magazine, he explained that their travel expenses are self-financed. Some brands go with it in some destinations, but never had formal sponsorship. In addition, he said that before embarking on this adventure, he had saved enough money to be able to pay his expenses for a year.

When she has spent all her savings, Lexie is dedicated to sharing photos and sponsored messages. In addition to working as a travel consultant at the agency of her parents. "I do a lot of research in advance for find the best deals, use points and miles for flights and stay in an accommodation in exchange for content creation for networks, "he said.

Another of his secrets was to keep his overhead costs as low as possible to extend his adventures. He also pointed out that, by continuing to live with his parents, he did not have to pay rent or car. "I do not spend my money on unnecessary material things," he admitted.

While traveling, Lexie tries to disconnect from social networks and make the most of her time at her destination. And only dive into the virtual world of sometimes, when he shares on his Instagram account a publication.

The young woman is still in the process of presents nearly 10 thousand photos Guinness World Record in chronological order to obtain the official title. As for the criticism she might receive for traveling "so fast," she said she was not worried. "Some prefer to spend months or years in a few countries and others want something else.There will always be someone who will not agree with you," he explained. .

However, she specified that she had taken her time to enjoy each place visited. "I love moving away from capitals, tasting local specialties, photographing culture and nature and staying as long as possible," he added.

Already with the record beaten, the young American dreams to finish your travel diary, where he will record all the experiences lived in each country. Another project that he planned is a TEDx conference on June 15th. "After all this, I will take the next few months to feed my physical and mental health as I continue to make plans for the future"He concluded.


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