A 21-year-old boy was found dead in a square in Palermo with a blow to the head


In 48 hours, the life of Sara and Joaquín Cesar Martínez's family has changed forever. The tragedy began last Tuesday when the 14 year old teenager disappeared. The anguish and research that has multiplied in social networks has only lasted a few hours. They found him safe and sound, but two days later they received another blow involving his brother. The young man, 21 years old, left his house to teach, but was found that same night dead on a square in Palermo in Medrano and Costa Rica .

Joaquin's parents received the news one hour after the boy left to study. When they arrived at the place, the police were already lifting the body and recognizing it by the shoes that he was wearing. He had been found under a tree with a blow in the head.

Although the first badumption was that he had been the victim of an badault, the family suspected that something else happened . Therefore, they ask that they investigate and look for witnesses. "They took him to the guard, they found no type of drug, he had alcohol in his blood," the mother told the media: "They do not give us more information, we are desperate. "

the investigation was a graffiti that the victim had left on the wall of his house before the fatal outcome: "It's me, I want to go home, you should know, "he wrote in English. Joaquín did not take drugs, he did not like going to clubs, he was very punctual when he went to see the teachers, he did not leave a minute before, not after , "says his mother

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