A 5-year-old boy was saved from his murderous father


The miner managed to escape the clutches of the man, who had already killed his wife and one of his children, whose body he left in a cave.

Spain. What was supposed to be a pleasure trip has turned into a horror story. A woman and her two children, originally from Germany, traveled to Tenerife, Spain, to visit their father, but her mother and one of her children were found dead in a cave. "The search appliance deployed to Adeje #Tenerife to locate a German woman and her missing son, aged 10, found both bodies," explained the Civil Guard on Twitter.

What happened? How and why are they dead? The mystery was solved with a tragic and horrible end: the father of the family, in an attack of madness, attacked his wife and children and only the child could escape and survive. "Apparently, the boy, aged 5, managed to escape and was found by some people while he was wandering on a hill," said the spokesman about the terrible chronicle . Rosie, one of the women who found the boy, said that he was "suspicious of seeing a child so small by himself." We asked him about his father and mother and he responded that he did not know. "

The horror was translated by an interpreter, because the language barrier between the Spanish woman and the German child did not allow a fluid communication. The murderer, whose identity remained in reserve, was arrested in his apartment in Adeje center and refused to tell where the rest of his family was. However, through the story of the child could find the location of corpses. With the pbadage of the hours will be more details of this tragedy.


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