A 5 year old girl cuts her hair after the order of "Momo" on YouTube Kids – Noticias Ya


(NEWS NOW) .- A A 5 year old British girl is cut off her hair after the sudden appearance of "Momo" in a video ask him to do it; the the authorities are alerting about the reappearance of terrifying viral challengebut now affecting young children.

A mother of Cheltenham she was terrified after see her little girl with half of her shaved head and hear that "Momo" had told her to cut her hair.

Wife He took his daughter to a local hairdresser to see what could be done for the hair And the staff did their best to fix it.

But they have not missed the opportunity to present the case and warn parents of the dangerous challenge of "Momo"What started last summer on WhatsApp take teenagers to suicide after a series of challenges.

READ: "Momo", the viral challenge that terrifies teenagers by WhatsApp

However, now "Momo" appears in games and videos on YouTube, including YouTube Kids.

"All YouTube videos of most kids, they are told to cut their hair, hold knives in their throats, catch fire and suck all the blood of the body", Is the publication of Trims child.

The same publication warns that "Momo" appears suddenly in the games and videos for kids, like Peppa Pig and Minecraft.

Unfortunately, this is not the only case and the authorities in United Kingdom they alert parents about the dangers of the viral challenge.

"Our advice, as always, is watch the games your kids play and be extremely aware of the videos you see in Youtube"He wrote in Facebook the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI).

"Make sure the devices you have access to are limited to age-appropriate content."Said the same agency, according to CBS.

LEE: "Momo" harbades two teenagers up to suicide in Colombia

"The danger is that your child feels obliged to follow the orders of ANY application through "challenges", or peer pressure in discussion forums, etc. The most important thing is that your child knows not to disclose personal information to anyone or force them to do anything they do not want to ", is part of the warnings.

Today, hundreds of schools and concerned parents told us about the horror #Momo challenge that would have been posted on YouTube videos for children, causing panic and annoyance of young people. We hope you find our guide useful … https://t.co/Nuu4cUpBZD pic.twitter.com/t16m8GQ6Vt

– National Online Security (@natonlinesafety) February 26, 2019

Most important, without a doubt, is talking with our kids about these dangers and supervising every game and all the videos to which you have access.

The authorities do not doubt that behind "Momo" are cyber-hackers seeking personal information and now they do it through programs for children so that they are not detected by adults.

LEE: Mom finds YouTube videos with instructions to commit suicide

Although the first cases have been reported in the United Kingdom, alertness and danger are also in the United States.

Just this Tuesday News He already expressed the concern of some mothers who found in YouTube Kids videos with instructions on how to commit suicide.


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