A 9-year-old girl died of an allergic reaction after taking an ice cream in Spain


Nail nine year old British baby He died during his family's holidays in Spain, then took an ice cream. There was a body strong allergic reaction which caused two cardiorespiratory stops. What was discovered at that time is that the small I was allergic to dairy products and nuts, ingredients that have been dispersed and dissolved between the components of the ice cream.

This happened in a complex called The Costa California, on a beach in Mijas, Malaga. Although they tried to help her, the symptoms quickly got worse and the baby muffled Every time more. When the emergency ambulance arrived, she was already unemployed. When they managed to regain her pulse and stabilize her, she was transferred to the hospital of the Costa del Sol in Marbella, where she arrived an hour after having tasted the ice cream.

Intensive care room he had a cardiac arrest safely. The medical team referred him to the Materno Infantil Hospital in Malaga. The new observation diagnosed a "anaphylactic shock"The baby fought for her life but died the next day because she could not overcome the complications of the reaction.

Preliminary results of the autopsy The Institute of Forensic Medicine in Malaga has stated that the reason for the death was an "extreme reaction of the body's immune system to an external agent".

What is anaphylaxis and how does it trigger a shock?

Anaphylaxis is a generalized allergic reaction, fast, which can be serious, and in some cases even mortal, as was the case with Mijas. It is called shock or anaphylactic shock when the heart is hit by a drop in blood pressure, according to allergy experts at Vall University Hospital in Hebron.

The causative It can be a kind of food. Those most often cited as causes of severe or fatal anaphylaxis, by age, are as follows: a) in adults: fruits, nuts, seafood and fish; b) in boys: Egg, milk, nuts, fish and seafood. So are some medications, bites of the bees and wasps and some parasites.

It is characterized by presence of symptoms suggesting an allergy involving several systems of the body: skin, respiratory system, digestive tract or cardiovascular system. Skin badignment, with hives, redness, itching or swelling, is the most common manifestation in anaphylaxis and is present in 80% of cases. There may also be discomfort or feeling of chest tightness, difficulty breathing and swallowing, anxiety, nasal congestion and palpitations.

The treatment of choice for anaphylaxis, whatever the context, is the intramuscular adrenaline. The allergist should research the cause of the episode of anaphylaxis and inform the patient and his / her families about the prevention of new episodes and how to act, if any.

Most known causes of allergic shock or anaphylaxis.
Most known causes of allergic shock or anaphylaxis.

How to deal with a serious allergic reaction

It is important to first know the warning signs, the symptoms mentioned above. In general, anaphylaxis can start in a single organ: on the skin, with hives on the face, redness. Swelling of the lips, eyelids or hands may also occur. Nausea and diarrhea are also factors of attention, or frequent sneezing and tearing.

"The situation will be urgent When symptoms affect two or more organs or the boy also has tightness in the throat, a hoarse or dysphonic voice and repetitive cough, licked or bluish lips, and a pallor, weak pulse, loss of consciousness, vertigo or feeling of imminent death. If part of this adds to the weak pulse with a drop in blood pressure, we are talking about shock. In all these cases, the doctor will evaluate the rapid administration of adrenaline, "they explained from the Spanish Society of Clinical Immunology, Allergy and Pediatric Asthma.

Finally, the basic advice is that parents and teachers children with food allergies should also be very aware of the labeling of the food they eat "to avoid hidden allergens that may contain". In contrast, pediatric allergists remember the parents of allergic children that they should always have at hand the autoinjector of adrenalineas indicated by the family doctor in each case.


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