A baby is born pregnant of his twin brother


Before he was born, it was known that he was carrying a fetus in his belly

Colombia. It is a case as rare as shocking: a Colombian woman, Monica Vega, pregnant for just over seven months, discovered during an ultrasound that her baby, aged of 37 weeks, was also pregnant because she was at home at home. Undeveloped fetus This other fetus in the belly of the unborn baby had an umbilical cord and was surrounded by amniotic fluid. This prompted the doctors to act immediately, causing the birth of the woman who gave birth to little Itzamara, who underwent surgery a few hours after his life to remove the fetus, who was his twin brother. This strange alteration of embryonic development is called "fetus in fetu" or "parasitic twin" and it is a phenomenon that occurs when the cells that will shape the twin brothers are not divided at the right time (first week of gestation) and then both embryos grow asymmetrically.

"Two twins formed asymmetrical and that gave a baby that developed in the belly of his sister.He had developed limbs but no brain or heart." Miguel Parro doctor who did the cesarean

"Two babies were formed, but the fetus who had the newborn had no brain or heart, although he developed the extremities," said surgeon Miguel Parro, head of the hospital. Operation in Itzamara. She has already been discharged and is recovering at home. The doctor explained that it was not possible to wait for the birth of the baby at week 40 – usual date of a natural birth – because the little brother in her was still growing and could be dangerous to Itzamara's health. Although this was the best possible solution, those who were not free from anxiety were the parents of Itzamara, Yamil and Monica, who, 24 hours after giving birth to their daughter, had to bear the stress to have her perform a cesarean section.

This change is so infrequent that a case is estimated at one million. However, what makes Itzamara a unique phenomenon is that the parasitic twin was discovered at a stage prior to birth and worked 24 hours later.


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