A baby sales scandal strikes the order of Mother Teresa of Calcutta


The Indian government orders to search all the centers of the Foundation of the Missionaries of Charity of the Mother Teresa after the arrest of a nun and d & # 39; An employee of a single mother's home, accused of selling a baby.

The arrest, which occurred on July 5, occurred after a couple reported paying 120,000 rupees ($ 1,760) to Anima Indwar employee of the house run by the Missionaries of Charity in Ranchi, capital of the state of Jharkhand

Police said to have received three other complaints.

The Minister of Women and Child Development, Maneka Gandhi, ordered the immediate inspection of the children's homes run by the Missionaries, the government said in a statement Monday.

Sunita Kumar, spokesman of the Missionary of Charity stated that but that there was "no possibility of selling a child because the Missionaries of the Charity stopped delivering children for adoption three years ago "

Since 2015, the congregation is not related to the adoption with the new regulations of the Indian government; which allows single, divorced or separated people to adopt minors. According to official data, 3,011 legal adoptions were registered during the 2015-2016 fiscal year, with a waiting list exceeding 12,000.

For its part, the representative of the United Nations institution in Calcutta, Chandra Argawal ] stated that he was not aware of the Ranchi case and stated that he had never heard about the sale of children "in 50 years of badociation" with the Catholic order.

Mother Teresa founded the Order of Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta in 1950, and the work set up hundreds of homes to serve those whom she called "the poorest of the poor" .

She was awarded the ] Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and Pope Francis canonized it last year two decades after his death.

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