A bag of crisps and duct tape: the maddening moment a policeman improvised a tourniquet to save the life of a stabbed young man


the New York Police Department (NYPD) recently posted a video showing an officer improvising a method to save the life of a man stabbed with duct tape and a bag of chips. From a video post from the boss Rodney Harrison, the incident took place on Lenox Avenue in Harlem on July 7.

Officers reportedly responded to a knife call. In his tweet, Harrison wrote: “This is just one example of the heroic work your NYPD agents do every day.“.

The official Ronald kennedy He was one of the policemen who answered the call, where they found a 29-year-old man bleeding from his chest and said, “They punctured my lung.” Once at the scene, the officer took over and covered the victim’s wound with an empty bag of crisps and duct tape that he had asked a man to buy in a market. After the intervention, the victim was transferred to a nearby hospital, where a doctor said the maneuvers from the police they saved his life.

Kennedy, as seen in the dramatic and graphic images of his body camera posted on Twitter, ordered a young passer-by to bring him some life-saving supplies. “Go get me a bag of crisps, right now!shouts Harrison. Then send the same subject to get duct tape.

Harrison asked some of the people around the victim to help put him on his back. “Two people over here now!Harrison ordered. “Lay him down!” Help me put him to bed! We hear the officer say.

The procedure not only attracted attention because of the materials the officer used, but also because they were effective and saved the victim’s life (Twitter capture @NYPD)

Harrison then made a patch, using a knife, to glue the bag of chips to the tape, creating a makeshift tourniquet on the victim’s chest. The white shirt, stained with blood, was removed in the process. “We have you, we have you, don’t touch you!” Kennedy said. “Stay with me, stay with me!”.

We also hear him when he says to man: “Keep breathing, my brother!”. Paramedics arrived with a stretcher to take him to Harlem hospital, where he was first admitted in critical condition.

For their participation in the stab wounds they arrested Eric Rodriguez, 38 years old, and accused of attempted murder, assault and criminal possession of a knife, detailed the police. Rodríguez and the victim, whom the police did not identify, were involved in an argument.


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