A billionaire pleaded guilty to having sex with a 15-year-old girl in his private plane, putting the autopilot


Steven Bradley Mell, multimillionaire from New Jersey (USA), pleaded guilty to having bad with a 15 year old girl while he was traveling by private plane from New Jersey and Cape Cod.

Married and father of three, 53-year-old President and CEO of investment company WH Mell Associates, put the autopilot in one of the situations where he had had bad with him. Child, thus putting his life in danger.

Mell, who has two private planes and a helicopter, faces the crime of corruption of minors to which must be added the fact that endangered the life of the minor and that she received pictures of a naked teenager, which constitutes a crime for possession of child badgraphy.

Mell will face a five-year prison sentence in a federal prison and another five years of probation.

The billionaire is currently on bail of one million dollars. Mell also gave his pilot license, can not use computers and must stay away from the teenager.


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