A biography revealed the last dialogues of Adolf Hitler with his relatives before his death


In April 1945, the world was about to take a complete turn. The Second World War ended when Berlin nearly imploded, surrounded by the allied army, led by the British Winston Churchill, and the Red Troops, commanded from Russia by Joseph Stalin. Despite the bombing near the bunker where he had taken refuge, Adolf Hitler did not return home: his decision was to die instead of surrender. The biography republished in recent days about the lieutenant who was one of his personal pilots, Hans Baur, compiles the last conversations of the Nazi dictator with his intimates.

"I'm finishing now," It was one of the last sentences that Hitler had said to his nearest core, a few minutes before making the decision to kill himself with his wife Eva Braun. This information appeared in the memories of the book "I was the pilot of Hitler", as described by the English website DailyMail.

The cover of the reissued book. (Photo: Amazon capture)
The cover of the reissued book. (Photo: Amazon capture)

Baur was one of Hitler's most trusted men in his last years. In his biography, in addition to telling how the decisive hours were before April 30, 1945, published unpublished images next to the Nazi leader.

According to the pilot, shortly before committing suicide, Hitler approached and took his hands. "I want to say goodbye, the time has come, my generals have betrayed me, my soldiers do not want to continue and I can not follow either"the dictator would have told him.

"The war will end with the fall of Berlin. Either I'm standing or I'm falling with Berlin"The pilot then said that he had tried to convince him that there were still planes to counter the attack of the Allies and Russia." I tried to tell him that I could take him away, to Japan or Argentina, "he wrote.

The Nazi salute, during a tour of Hitler. (Photo: EFE)
The Nazi salute, during a tour of Hitler. (Photo: EFE)

"The Russians know perfectly well that I am here in this bunker. In any case, I finish it now. I know that tomorrow millions of people will curse me, it's fate, "said Hitler, before shooting himself, according to the book.

After these conversations, Baur tried to escape from the shelter where he was, with other collaborators of the dictator. In his escape, he was hit in the intestines and lost a leg. The Soviets arrested him and He was imprisoned for ten years on Russian soil. The pilot always insisted that he had never shown any determination in the policies of the Third Reich and was only devoted to his work, which was to be an airman.

The first German edition of Baur's memoirs was published in 1956, but it was forgotten and found in another book, reissued as I pilot the Hitler.

The friendship of Baur with Hitler began in the late 1930s when the pilot was hired. help the Nazi leader in the countryside in Germany. The soldier died in 1993 at the age of 96 years.


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