A boiler exploded in a textile factory and a married couple was trapped “Diario La Capital de Mar del Plata


A boiler in a textile factory exploded at dawn on Wednesday and specialists are working 24 hours a day save a man and a woman who were in a neighboring house.

According to the preliminary reconstruction, the explosion occurred in a boiler of a three-story building located in Bolivia between Avenida Luro and 25 de Mayo and the collapse affected a nearby house in which there was a man. , a woman and three children who trapped.

Instead are the head of the central fire department, Alberto Gabba; the head of Civil Defense, Rodrigo Goncalvez; three teams from the fire station, two SAME ambulances and specialists from the rescue team.

The miners and the woman have already been rescued and now the tasks are focused on the man.

Photo: Pablo Funes (@dronmardelplata)

Photo: Pablo Funes (@dronmardelplata)


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