A book denounces the fact that 80% of Vatican priests are homosexual


The institutional crisis through which the Vatican Regarding denunciations by badual subjects, it seems to have no end.

This time, the scandal comes from the publication of a publication that promises to shake the foundations of the Holy See.

The new book "Sodom ", French writer and journalist Frederic Martel, which will be released next week (only in digital version), promises revelations such as 80% of priests working in Vatican are homobaduals, according to the Catholic portal The Tablet.

The publication is based on 1500 interviews with different Vatican figures, including 41 cardinals, 52 bishops, 45 diplomats, 11 Swiss guards and more than 200 priests and seminarians.

As Martel announces, religious share a secret code "cupboard" hide membership in a kind of community that while condemning homobaduality, practice in the dome of its own Catholic Church.

The publication, 570 pages, does not highlight the badual orientation of religious, but seeks to demonstrate the "Hypocrisy" inside the Vatican, where many of his referents condemn homobaduality, as detailed in the journal Clarín.

"The main question is, for me, why this book has not been written yet, while everyone is aware of homobaduality in the Vatican," Frederick asks in an interview published by Clarín.

One of the author's revelations in the book is the case of the deceased Colombian cardinal. Alfonso López Trujillo, who held a high position in the Vatican. According to Martel, López Trujillo, although a supporter of the Church's teaching on homobaduality, reportedly used the services of male bad workers.

At the same time, according to sources cited by The tabletAlthough the book does not mix homobaduality with badual abuse of children, Martel describes a secret culture among priests that creates conditions in which abuse is not confronted with.

However, another source told the media that "it's not always easy to perceive when Martel is talking about facts, rumors, testimonials or" they say that he said "" .

comes #Sodoma ??
The book that ensures that 80% of priests working in the #Vaticano they are #Homobaduels, although not necessarily badually active. From the French sociologist # FredericMartel. Based on 5 years of research.@ 24HorasTVN pic.twitter.com/KctAl3XrjC

– Isrrael Villablanca (@loockito) February 14, 2019

The philosopher and educator of seminars, Primitivo Sierra, says La Vanguardia newspaper that this type of publications often oversimplify the truth, although it recognizes that the problem of homobaduality is serious "because we can not hide that there is a reality which must be brought to light for justice to be done. "

"This has not acted with transparency, and this has made the problem grow (abuse and homobaduality) and when it is not cut in the bud, the problem is increasing, the bishops are not doing it. did not have the character to face these problems, "Sierra told La Vanguardia.

The book "also reveals secrets" about celibacy, misogyny and so-called plots against dad Francisco, that the conservative sectors of the Holy See are questioning because of their more moderate stance on homobaduality.

"If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who should I judge?", said the Holy Father after being consulted by the" gay lobby "a few months after his papal election.

The digital version of "Sodom" will be released in eight languages ​​in 20 countries next Wednesday, which will coincide with the start of a conference at the Vatican on badual abuse, to which bishops from around the world were summoned. The publisher has announced that the book in physical format will go on sale on April 15th.


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