A Brazilian Argentine journalist died in a helicopter crash – 11/02/2019


Famed journalist and television presenter Ricardo Boechat is one of two victims of the helicopter crash that occurred Monday in San Pablo, the newspaper reported. Bandeirantes TV, chain in which he worked.

The plane in which Boechat was traveling crashed on a main road in San Pablo the journalist died charred next to the pilot.

Boechat was born in 1952 in Buenos Aires, son of a Brazilian diplomat and Argentina's Mercedes Carrascal, who established himself in 1956 in Niteroi, in the state of Rio de Janeiro ( Facebook).

Boechat was born in 1952 in Buenos Aires, son of a Brazilian diplomat and Argentina's Mercedes Carrascal, who established himself in 1956 in Niteroi, in the state of Rio de Janeiro ( Facebook).

"It is with regret that I receive this sad news", written by Twitter President Jair Bolsonaro, interned in Sao Paulo since 28 January.

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Boechat was born in 1952 in Buenos Aires, son of a Brazilian diplomat and Argentine Mercedes Carrascal, established in 1956 in Niteroi, in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

The Buenos Aires journalist grew up in Brazil, where he forged a brilliant career in the media world (Facebook).

The Buenos Aires journalist grew up in Brazil, where he forged a brilliant career in the media world (Facebook).

The Buenos Aires journalist grew up in Brazil, where he forged a successful career in the media world.

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"It's a very sad moment for Brazilian journalism, he was the greatest journalist in Brazil, for his courage, for his way of fighting against corruption and against injustice, one of the great references in the history of Brazilian journalism, "said his partner, José Luis Datena by announcing in tears the news of the journalist's death.

The truck that struck the helicopter Monday morning in San Pablo (Brazil) (EFE).

The truck that struck the helicopter Monday morning in San Pablo (Brazil) (EFE).

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

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Boechat was returning from Campinas, a city in the interior of São Paulo, where he had come to offer a lecture and went to the TV headquarters. Bandeirantes when the aircraft crashed on the highway Rodovia Anhanguera, in the western area of ​​San Pablo.

The helicopter pilot and Boechat, co-pilot, died charred during the accident, while the driver of a truck was injured after the plane virtually destroyed the cabin during the fall.

October 8, 2006 stock photograph of the famous Brazilian TV journalist and presenter Ricardo Boechat (c) during the debate on this year's presidential elections with former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (right) and Geraldo Alckmin (in left), in San Pablo (Brazil) (EFE).

October 8, 2006 stock photograph of the famous Brazilian TV journalist and presenter Ricardo Boechat (c) during the debate on this year's presidential elections with former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (right) and Geraldo Alckmin (in left), in San Pablo (Brazil) (EFE).

Part of the plane was consumed by the flames, while other parts of the vehicle were scattered along the Ananguera Highway, one of the access roads to enter and exit San Pablo.

The truck against which the helicopter crashed on a highway in São Paulo, the largest and most populous city in Brazil (EFE).

The truck against which the helicopter crashed on a highway in São Paulo, the largest and most populous city in Brazil (EFE).

Boechat, 66, was one of the most recognized journalists in Brazil and had received three awards during his career. Esso, one of the highest recognitions of Brazilian journalism.

The reporter presented the "Jornal da Band" and the one on the radio BandNews Fm. He also worked in the newspapers O Globo, O Dia, State of Sao Paulo and Jornal do Brasil.

Agencies EFE and Telam. (GML)


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