A cannibal girl told her classmates that she ate fresh human flesh | Chronic


A young cannibal of only 12 years old told her clbadmates that "I had cooked and eaten fresh human flesh", next to a 22 year old pedophile who had kidnapped her.

The pedophile Arkady Zverev, on the left, and the 12-year-old girl, on the right.

The girl – identified as Valeria– is involved in a resounding case, the bloody details of which hit the public opinion of the Soviet country.

The minor lived with Arkady ZverevA 10 year old boy, who died in custody in early 2019, pending a trial for murder, cannibalism and rape.

The reaction of parents

The parents of their clbadmates were extremely angry, following the violent anecdote told by the baby disturbed to his daughters.

Parents of students interviewed at a school badembly.

Valeria has not reached the age of criminal responsibility. She has not been prosecuted, despite police sources claiming to have confessed to having used a stove to cook and eat the heart of the murdered man. "Too nice". He added: "Brains have been much more tasty".

The girl presents when the victim was murdered Alexander Popovich, 21, was sent to an orphanage and a public school in the Krasnodar region.

Valeria is still waiting for a resolution of justice.

A father said: "Nobody would have known his identity, but because after a month spent in this school with our children, he began to tell them the details of what happened, he spoke to them." taste of human brains ".

It remains to be determined what position will adopt justice. School authorities have suggested that the child be transferred to a special school, where he could be confined.


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