A cassowary, one of the rarest birds in the world, has killed its owner


A cbadowary killed a 75-year-old man with his claws, causing him fatal injuries.

Everything happened when Marvin Hajos was walking in the garden of his house. There he lived next to the bird, considered one of the most dangerous species in the world for his sharp claws and his strength.

Apparently, according to the investigation, the man would have stumbled on an object, would have fallen to the ground and the cbadowary, scared, would have attacked his owner in defense.

"It looks like it's an accident," said Chief of Police Jeff Taylor at Gainesville Sun.

Although it is a generally peaceful and shy animal, when they feel harbaded, they are good at kicking. This blow can be very dangerous and even deadly, as was the case in Florida.

This species of bird related to emu, reaches 1.80 meters in height and can weigh 60 kilos. The species is called Casuarius and is native to Australia and New Guinea.

However, making it a truly special bird is their legs, which can be up to 23 centimeters long. On the inside finger of these have a big pointed nail.


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