A cell phone addict died electrocuted after wearing | Chronic


Thirawat Khuensungnoen, a 22-year-old Thai child, died after receiving an electric shock while he was using his cell phone plugged into the stream.

He was Duangdeun, the young man's mother, who found the body in his home in Nakhon Ratchasima province.

The woman, in dialogue with the local media, counted: "I was waiting for Thirawat to arrive at the market where we both serve a job, but when he noticed that it was not happening, I decided to go to our house to pick him up." ".

Forcing the lock, Duangdeun found the boy's body on the floor. She revealed in distress: "He had the phone in his hand and the charger was plugged in. The index of his right hand was loose because of the power of the electric shock that he had received".

Cell Phone Dependency:

Interviewed by the media, the mother said that her son "I was addicted to the phone, I've used it too much".

The investigating authorities determined that the death occurred because he was using the device during the loading, as they had indicated. "May cause overheating of the phone and a short circuit".

Duangdeun claimed that the boy "I was addicted to using this device" and I could even spend hours watching the screen of his smartphone.


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