A cheap FlyBondi plane struck its tail on the ground as it took off


The first low cost of operating in the country led to a new incident in its brief history, when a plane had to stop taking off after part of the rear fuselage and tail hit the runway at the same time. 39, Iguazú Airport. 19659002] This is a FlyBondi Boeing 737/800 and, as stated, the grounds are already being studied by the JIAAC, although the preliminary report takes between 8 months and a year. FlyBondi stated that the incident had "no risk to the pbadengers", while stressing that the flight that could not take off was heading towards Córdoba, while the destination was El Palomar, which the l company has recognized over the hours.

"No injuries, damage to be determined", was the first message from CCIAC to confirm the incident suffered Sunday by the FlyBondi aircraft, which resulted in a new cancellation in the long list of low-flying flights. price. He also noted that none of the 65 pbadengers or pilots and 4 crew members on board had been injured.

The controlling body, reporting to the Ministry of Transport, which is precisely the main driver of low income. "The aircraft at the head of the aircraft, once it started the take-off roll at low speed, suffered a rear fuselage impact with the runway", which in jargon aeronautics is called "tail strike". After the incident, the ship that was due to leave at 23:30, according to the company, was stranded at Iguazu Airport

"A priori it is good news because there are no wounded, "said the head of the APLA. suffered by the Boeing. "There are cracks in the fuselage, so the impact is very important.It's very serious, it's a miracle," Biró insisted, in dialogue with C5N, and explained that the damage makes it impossible to pressurize the aircraft. The unionist asked to be cautious and wait for the JIAAC report, although he pointed out that one of the possible causes could be a bad distribution in the cargo of the plane.

"In regular aviation, this is protected by the control of the distribution and other cross checks, by the aeronautical technicians and the ground personnel involved.The pilots are not the last threshold of confinement of security, "said Biró in tone of allegations that the aeronautical unions are leading against the commercial transport policy of the Ministry of Transport.

The low cost company, headed by CEO Julián Cook, limited what happened to a "technical failure" and noted that "the company is urgently badyzing and rigorously investigating the causes of the" 39, event, as well as the process of outsourced services involved, to determine the factors that may have affected the normal Meanwhile, the JIAAC report – which began yesterday at noon with the interviews with the crew – could take between 8 months and one year, due to the case studies that involve investigation requests in

the example they reported from the control body is that of the 39, Austral aircraft registered LV-FUA, It suffered a similar incident.In the investigation period, if the company repairs the damage suffered by the ship, it will depend on the 39; ANAC to give permission to propose commercial flights again.


After the incident, the neighborhood organization "Stop FlyBondi" has planned that it will make a new court presentation due to an irregularity in the official information offered by the company and government authorities. "They wanted to go to El Palomar and finally they could not … It's wrong that I was going to Córdoba," said Lucas Marisi, a lawyer from the neighborhood organization.

The complaint points to the mistake in the official information that the "strike strike" occurred on the flight F5433, when he appeared as "kidnapped" "In Córdoba at 18:10 on the site Aeropuertos Argentina 2000, while flight F0511, which was to go to El Palomar, was declared "canceled" at 11:20 pm The company reported yesterday afternoon that the flight was actually heading to the airport. Buenos Aires conurbano airport.

Pending the JIAAC investigation to determine what happened, Biró emphasized the professional role that the council has historically fulfilled .The pressure of the Ministry of Transport to protect FlyBondi "and described as" irresponsible "the statements of Minister Guillermo Dietrich that the unions had called for a strike last week because" in Argentina, they will be able to "fly by plane for a weight."

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