A chicana by Marcos Díaz rekindled the tension after the series in which Boca eliminated Vélez


The series between Boca and Velez for the quarterfinals of the Super League Cup has been really hot and it seems that there are still some sequels. When it seemed that the waters had calmed down, Marcos Díaz appeared and moved the nest of hornets again.

Xeneize's goaltender went to see a recital in Los Palmeras and posted on his Instagram account a story that did not please fans of the Liniers club: the image of the Santa Fe group, accompanied by the caption "and what he wants" the Chola "and emoticons of mocking faces and a ball.

Screen capture of the story of Marcos Díaz.
Screen capture of the story of Marcos Díaz.

To understand the chicane, it is necessary to put in context. "What the Chola wants" is a theme that began to ring in José Amalfitani after every match won by those led by Gabriel Heinze. Slowly, it turned into kabala and even at one point you could see on the giant stadium screen a video showing the players themselves dancing this hit.

The duel between Boca and Vélez was spicy. In the previous one, there was a lot of talk about Mauro Zárate's return to Liniers after his transfer to Xeneize. The attacker endured the insults and in the return had his relief: he scored one of the penalties in the ranking and unfortunately festejó. "He qualified the big team," he said after the match, which led to his deportation as a Fortin member.

Although the management and the captain Carlos Tevez asked to calm this situation, the arquero did not give reason and gave the pleasure to publish a story which happens apparently with a double meaning.


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