A child is lost in a forest and tells that a bear is busy – ElSol.com.ar – Diario de Mendoza, Argentina


A three-year-old boy who survived two nights alone in a North Carolina forest in very cold conditions badured the police and his family that he was being helped. "for a friendly bear" who was with him all the time.

According to the Guardian, the rescuers found the small Casey Hathaway entangled in thorny bushes, cold and soaked, but safe. He had disappeared two days earlier. The situation had become worrying because of the young age and the extreme cold prevailing at that time, accompanied by abundant rains.

Fortunately, what might seem dramatic was perhaps his salvation. Or at least that's what the little one says. According to Chip Hughes County Sheriff, Chip Hughes, Casey said "a friend in the forest who was a bear who was with him. "

Something that also confirmed the child's aunt, Breanna Hathaway on Facebook. "He said that he was with a bear for two days, God sent him a friend to protect him, God is a good God, miracles happen." "He is a survivor"said Hughes, noting that the research group would cross the water up to the waist to reach the child, who did not reach the meter in height.

In addition, he confirmed that the child was perfect, that he had only a few scratches and that if he was found, he just wanted a little water and see his mother.


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