A Chinese businessman executed for raping 25 minors | Chronic


The Chinese business man Zhao ZhiyongThe 49-year-old was executed on Tuesday in Henan Province, central China, for badually badaulting 25 girls, local media reported.

Between June 2015 and January 2017, he raped students at four high schools in Weishi County, 14 of whom were under 14 years old.

The man was convicted last October with a woman, named Li Na – who worked by contacting girls who would be raped later – was sentenced to death, along with two other accomplices sentenced to 12 and 18 years in prison.

All but Li appealed, but these were dismissed by a higher court.

Zhao was the chairman of the flour company "Tianyuan Flour Products", which is located in the county, detailed local media.


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