A commissioner was shot dead in an attempted robbery in Moreno


A police inspector from Buenos Aires was shot in an attempted robbery in Moreno. The money was defended when the criminals tried to take his car and all ended in the worst case.

Leonardo Carlos Valdez was 46 years old and was transferred with a Injured ball in the chest at the Mariano Provincial Hospital and Luciano de la Vega. In the early hours of Saturday, he died.

Police are investigating the murder of one of their companions. (Photo: TN capture)
Police are investigating the murder of one of their companions. (Photo: TN capture)

According to the first information, the criminals allegedly stole the cell phone, but for the investigators, the goal was the car of the victim.

The policeman was killed in an attempted robbery in Moreno. (Photo: TN capture)
The policeman was killed in an attempted robbery in Moreno. (Photo: TN capture)

One of the neighbors said he heard an exchange of gunfire and then a request for help. L & # 39; man he came to Leonardo's rescuehe put him in his car and took him to the hospital.

The official was a police inspector from the province of Buenos Aires and worked in the custody of the city of San Isidro.


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