A company is looking for a pillow tester and pays 1,200 euros – 06/02/2019


A Spanish company It offers a curious initiative that meets the wishes of many people: to pay for work done while you sleep. Koala Rest has issued a three-month temporary work order to test pillows.

"Our goal is for this person to rely on the products we test and then evaluate them to help us improve quality," says Bruno Madeira, co-founder of Koala Rest, according to the Spanish newspaper ABC.

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The selected person will charge 1,200 euros (about $ 51,000) for each of the three months that the service will last. Your work sleeping every night with a different pillow pattern, after which you will complete a questionnaire in which you will tell your experience.

"This information will allow us to improve the product since we will take this badessment into account to adapt the pillow to its use," says Bruno, according to the Spanish newspaper.

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To be able to apply for this position, candidates must access the website of the Spanish company and fill out the form until February 28th. The company will then badyze the applications received and will choose the first pillow tester in Spain.


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