A contribution hitherto invisible | They highlight the …


The possible advances of the “Global Program for the Recognition of Periods of Service by Care Tasks” for the recognition of care tasks as work were celebrated on different fronts of struggle for the conquest of this right. The calculation of childcare as years of retirement benefits, or for women recipients of the universal child allowance, recognizing that ANSES is studying to incorporate them with the aim of accessing retirement, will make it possible to take its retire this year, and another 30,000 would do so next year. Page 12 He consulted specialists and officials working on the issue to ask them to assess this progress. “It is a conquest of the feminist movement”, they estimated, and the result of a political decision of the government to “move towards a more just social organization of care with a gender perspective.

One of the main factors explaining this situation, the failure to respect the thirty years of service with contribution to social security required for retirement by hundreds of thousands of women, is that the formal labor market creates more difficulties to enter. women than men. .

“It’s a conquest of feminist movements. From the feminist economy, all this contribution that women make invisibly at home has been made visible for a long time and which is often not taken into account by the traditional economy ”, explains Candela Botto, economist at Femini (s ) ta Economics, in response to this journal’s question. She added that “when last year’s quarantine was made official it was said that the economy had shut down and in fact the whole reproductive economy led by women at home not only did not stop but intensified “.

The gender perspective has been integrated into the public agenda since the start of the Alberto Fernández government. The creation of the Ministry for Women, on the one hand, and the Department of the Economy, Equality and Gender within the Ministry of the Economy were the tools for action. Even if, as Mercedes D ° Alessandro, director of the aforementioned area, maintains, “we are working to ensure that the gender perspective is transversal to all public policies”.

“Since the creation of this ministry, we have been promoting the articulation of various initiatives and projects in the field of care that are carried out by all the organizations that are part of the Interministerial Table of Care Policies”, said Lucía Cirmi Obon, Director of Care Policies of the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity, during an interview with Page 12.

“The national government has defined it as a priority to move towards a fairer social organization of care with a gender perspective. This is why we coordinated the 100 measures in terms of care that were presented by the Interministerial Table; we have made progress with the creation of the federal healthcare map; we have launched the federal campaign “Caring in Equality” across the country and that is why we are preparing a draft bill for a comprehensive care system in a participatory manner with all social sectors and national organizations involved, ”he Explain.

Cirmi Obon added that, “in terms of social security, we know that women and LGBTI + people have fewer possibilities to contribute to social security benefits because most of the care work falls to them, and on the basis of this diagnostic, we have been working with ANSES since day one, studying and evaluating various initiatives that tend to broaden the rights and social protection frameworks for women ”.

A few days ago, the Directorate of the Economy, Equality and Gender of the Ministry of the Economy, published a report, which it prepared with Unicef, on the impact of the pandemic on women in charge of children and adolescents. The document indicates that women are the most affected by the crisis because they face a worse integration into the labor market (higher levels of informality, greater instability, lower wages) while experiencing temporal poverty aggravated by the pandemic.

“The measure was very important and marks that we are on the way of a public policy with a perspective of care, we of the commission have the great challenge to work for the institutionalization”, answered Virginia Franganillo, coordinator of the PJ Technical Team Care Commission, at this journal.

It is clear that the national government has put on its agenda the recognition of care tasks by creating the National Directorate of Integral Protection within the Ministry of Social Development. Towards the end of 2020, Minister Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta convened a commission of specialists to draft a bill to create a comprehensive care system. The initiative in which the commission is working aims not only to guarantee care services for early childhood, the elderly and the disabled, but also to recognize these tasks as work, with their equitable distribution, and that they are regulated by social protection policies.


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