A Cordouan in serious condition after being robbed in Colombia


Teresa Grossi is a famous puppeteer from the 66-year-old Traslasierra Valley. The woman had a misfortune while walking with a friend in San Andrés, Colombia. There, last Sunday, he was a victim of insecurity.

A man tore off his handbag and, before the sweater, Teresa fell to the ground and hit her head against the dock.

According to the newspaper The weatherColonel Jorge Urquijo, police commander of San Andrés, said the police were investigating the case's officials. They work with security cameras in the area.

Grossi owns the House of Puppeteers Mina Clavero, in the province of Córdoba, declared an area of ​​tourist and cultural interest by the municipality of this municipality. She is also director of the puppet company Bienteveo.

Teresa arrived in San Andrés with Susana, a friend, on vacation for a few weeks. They had planned to return on July 26th.

With regard to women's health, César Augusto Sierra Ruiz, neurosurgeon in charge of the surgical procedure at the departmental hospital of San Andrés, said The weather that the patient entered the hospital in a coma with mbadive cerebral bleeding. For this reason, it was decided immediately to undergo surgery.

Through the surgical procedure, which lasted about two hours, it was possible to contain the bleeding. On Tuesday, they reported to the hospital a slow but positive development, without the need for new interventions. In the same way, your forecast is reserved.

Meanwhile, the police offer a reward of 5 million pesos to those who provide data on those responsible for the attack.

According to Sandra Bressan, a friend of Teresa, El Doce, she "could have affected her motor skills because she has a leg and a bad speech." "It was shocking because we all know about it's activity." The audio says it's a re-education for life, but we all have a lot of strength and we're doing very well. We are in Mina Clavero and she is in Colombia, "he said.

"I want the community to know that there are a lot of people who worry about it, she has a lot of love from the puppeteer community, so the media can l? to inform so that people never travel without badistance to the traveler and the other thing is that the consulate of Argentina I think I have so much to settle, but that 's a dramatic case, because it is in San Andrés, on an island in Colombia, that we must bring it and that we need a sanitary plane.That the consulate and the government of Córdoba take the things in hand, we will do a thousand things, but we need help, "added Teresa's friend.


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