A Cordouane teenager with cystic fibrosis who went to Brazil for a lung transplant died – 07/10/2018


Natalí Maidana a 15-year-old Córdoba teenager with cystic fibrosis died this morning in Porto Alegre, Brazil, where she had a two-lung transplant with a living donor [19659003Thedaughter was in a critical condition from Monday evening, after being transplanted to the clinic of Santa Casa de la Misericordia, in this Brazilian city.

According to his lawyer Carlos Nayi explained, the intervention lasted 10 hours and was complicated by sepsis.

"He died at dawn, a desperate picture, a hemodynamic decomposition, a renal failure.The doctor beat him with all the tools to get around sepsis," he said in a statement. Conversation with Miter Córdoba

Local media such as La ​​Voz indicate that Natalí had greatly decreased her respiratory capacity and who, moreover, arrived at the Brazil with a serious infection that delayed the start of the intervention.

The teenager had gone to Porto Alegre on June 26 in a provincial medical plane, after the Administrative Litigation Chamber No. 1 resolved to make room for a call for amparo and demanded that the Nation, Province and Social Work Apross cover the costs of the intervention.

The parents of the teenager, Ivana de Asís and Hugo Héctor Maidana, were the donors of the pulmonary lobes.

Natalí has ​​been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis since birth and in recent years has suffered accelerated deterioration. According to his mother, the teenager had to leave the school to receive special care

The lawyer Nayi badured the Córdoba media that the intervention in Porto Alegre was the only option for the girl.

Cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is an inherited genetic disorder that alters the normal functioning of the outer secretory glands (sweat, pancreatic enzymes, respiratory secretions, etc.) causing damage to various organs of the respiratory system pancreas, liver and also the reproductive system .

The sweat glands are also affected by the large amount of sodium and chlorine, which makes the sweat more salty than usual.

an abnormal mucosal product of an alteration at the cellular level of the chlorine channel, as a result, exocrine secretion glands function poorly, with the mucus hyperviscosity ", explains last year the pulmonologist Alfio Fiamingo, Dalmacio Vélez Sarsfield Hospital

"In the lungs mucus plugs are formed which lead to atelectasis, bronchiectasis and superinfection with aggressive germs, which lead to irreversible pulmonary disorders", he declared.

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